05. An Idea

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A few hours later, Kyle finally called Aiden with some news. 

"Look, I know you're gonna hate this but unless you want the paparazzi to be all over your ass, I suggest you stay inside for the next few days until the heat from Little Town's story dies down," Kyle said. "I'm sorry that I couldn't stop them from publishing the story. Now, on to the good news, I sent out a statement not claiming or denying the photo, so if anyone asks you about it, don't say shit. Just keep your big mouth shut and play stupid, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I hear you," Aiden mumbled. "I'll keep quiet."

"Don't forget what I said, okay? Keep your ass inside today. I mean it, Aiden. Do not go out and do something stupid that'll bring even more unwanted attention to yourself. I'm not trying to—"

"I'm sorry, what? I think the connection is breaking up... Hello? Kyle? Can you still hear me? Hello?" Knowing nothing was wrong with the connection, Aiden laughed before hanging up the phone. "Sorry, brother. I love you but you can be really fucking annoying sometimes."

Stretched out on his bed after having woken up from a much-needed nap, Aiden turned over to finally begin going through the stack of mail that Julian had brought in when he first arrived.

"Something's just not right with that guy," Aiden mumbled to himself. "Nobody is that damn polite. Literally no one."

Aiden was secretly peeved at not being able to figure Julian out.

He could feel it in his gut that there was something more to the brown-eyed muscle man, something more than the amiable facade that he'd been portraying ever since he got here. Aiden was anxious to know what it was. He'd have to remember to call Kyle back later to get him to do a thorough background report, for his eyes only, on his new bodyguard.

"No, no, NO! This crazy bitch is at it again?" Aiden exclaimed after he tore open a blank envelope to reveal yet another letter from his anonymous blackmailer.

. . .

The second letter read:

Dear Mr. Grayson,

How'd you like the story that I put out about you?

I want you to know that I timed all this in hopes that you got this letter the day that the news broke. And just in case you're wondering – yes, I do have a shitload of other dirt that I can easily leak about you. Hopefully, now you see that it'd be in your best interest to do what I say, when I say it.

Damn, who knew that threatening you would give me such a fucking rush?

I bet it's killing you not knowing who I am. Even if I were to tell you my identity, you'd be lost with it because you've been with so many women after me that trying to figure out who, when, and where you met me would be nearly impossible for you.

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