17. Alternatives; Part 1

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Aiden felt sick to his stomach after reading Clarissa's letter.

He stood in the middle of his bedroom for about ten minutes, just rereading the letter over and over again, trying to figure out how someone could be so cruel and deranged. Aiden felt infuriated, but most of all, he felt devastated and it was all because of one specific line in the letter which mentioned the baby that Clarissa had been going on and on about; a baby that might've actually been Aiden's.

The letter read:

Wow. I'm actually a little surprised that it took you this long to figure out who I am. Now I have to come up with a new plan and strategy to take to you down since I've become the one being hunted.

It's such a fucking bummer, too. I was starting to enjoy this little game that we've had going on. But thanks to you, I now have to reevaluate everything since you know who I am. And fuck the money, by the way. There was never any baby. Well, there was, but I lost it, so you kinda lucked out with that.

I bet you're glad to hear that you won't actually be anyone's father. If the baby had really been yours, I'll never tell. I'll let you drive your own self crazy with the what-ifs.

Right now I'm only out for your blood. Because you fucking cursed me. From the moment that I first hooked up with you I was doomed and didn't even know it. Ever since I fell for you, everything else around me fell apart - my heart, my sanity, and most recently my home for which I had to destroy because you know, evidence and shit.

And thanks for breaking my door down, by the way. As if being homeless weren't enough to deal with, now I really have nowhere to fucking go.

But that's beside the point.

You took everything from me, so it's only right that I take everything from you. I'll do it even if it kills me. I literally have nothing to lose.

Start sleeping with one eye open, Grayson, because those shithead guards that you have outside your house aren't enough to keep me away from you. I'm always watching you.. .you and that hot piece of ass that you keep by your side at all times - the one who I'm assuming tore down my front door because I know your scrawny ass couldn't have done that.

What's his name, anyway? Whoever he is, he's on my shit list too. Both of you are. As well as everyone else that you care about.

And before you go into a fit of rage while writing this, I do bring some good news. Don't expect any more letters from me. This is the last one, I promise. The next time that you'll be hearing from me is when I take you out with my bare fucking hands.


"Price will be here at any minute. I also have Clayton and Joshua scanning the area outside. So far, everything is looking pretty good..." Julian returned to Aiden's bedroom running his mouth. "Woah, are you okay? What did the letter say?"

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