21. Surprise

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The Next Day

Unemployed and having no real responsibilities to deal with, Aiden didn't know what to do with his newfound free time.

Aiden's feelings were still mixed over everything that happened back at the office with his father and Kyle. On the one hand, he was glad that he was finally free from the place he called hell for so many years, but on the other hand, he felt like he lost a part of himself; a part of his identity.

Not to mention that the relationship he and Kyle had would never be the same. And the relationship that he and his father had would continue to remain broken. With Aiden's stubborn way of thinking, he didn't know how either relationship would mend itself.

"I was thinking about visiting my mom this afternoon. I haven't spoken to her since leaving the hospital and it's really eating at me. I should go see her rather than call." Aiden looked over at Julian. "Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that I want you to come with me."

"As your boyfriend or bodyguard?" Julian got up from his seat and walked over to the edge of the pool, he jumped in head first. Aiden followed after him. "Well, which is it? Because I think it's time that we have some kind of title given how much we've been through."

"If I'm not mistaken, wasn't it you who said a while back that – and I quote - we're not exclusive, we're just two people having fun. You remember saying that bullshit?" Aiden playfully splashed water on Julian's face. "Now you're telling me that you want us to be an item. Am I understanding you correctly?"

"Yes, jackass." Julian smiled, swimming closer to Aiden. "Now tell me for real, what are we? I'm more than serious about you, about us. I don't want to play around with you anymore. I want to be yours and I want you to be mine."

Aiden's heart fluttered. "I want the same thing."

"Then it's settled." Julian grinned, gripping Aiden's waist from underneath the water as he pulled him closer. "You're my boyfriend."

"And you're mine." Aiden leaned in to kiss Julian, but rather than meet him halfway, Julian rejected him with a panicked expression while he stared at something, or someone, behind Aiden. "What is it?"

Before Julian could reply, his best friend Cassie came running out of the house with bags in her hands all while screaming as Aiden's security guards ran in behind her.

"Jules! Help me!" The blonde yelled. "Tell them I'm harmless. Tell them you know me!"

"This can't be happening..." Julian hurriedly swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out, running to meet Cassie as Clayton and Joshua trailed closely behind her. "What the hell are you doing here, Cass? You're supposed to be in New York!"

"Remember those vacation days that I was talking about taking?" Cassie said breathlessly, clinging tightly to Julian as Joshua and Clayton reached the two of them. "I thought I'd take a few and pay you a surprise visit. So, yeah, surprise!"

The Bodyguard | LGBT x CEO (Excerpt)Where stories live. Discover now