11. Dark Places

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It's crazy how a few kisses changed Julian's entire outlook on his brooding, constant mood swinging, yet overall alluring boss. 

A hell of a lot had changed since Julian first arrived at Aiden's house; some good changes, some not so much.

And as much as Julian would rather not be crushing on his currently unattainable boss that's secretly having a sexual identity crisis, Julian was only human at the end of the day. He couldn't help how he felt inside about Aiden, and Aiden couldn't shake the undeniable attraction that he felt towards Julian.

It's been days since they kissed for the first time and Julian had been trying to give his boss space, trying to let Aiden breathe as he worked to figure himself out – whatever that meant. It'd been easier said than done, however, because sometimes when things get too tough for Aiden, instead of responding rationally, he immediately turns to the bottle for answers. He knows he'll get nothing solved this way, but at least he's not forced to face his problems if he's blacked out drunk.

"Terrance Price, the private investigator that I've been talking to for the past few days, will be here in about fifteen minutes to meet with you."

Julian, back in professional mode after his most recent slipup, stood at the entrance of Aiden's bar with a melancholic expression as he watched Aiden tilt his head back to consume a shot of something he definitely didn't need.

A small part of him felt like this, Aiden's painfully slow spiral downhill, was all his fault. Julian blamed himself for nearly everything. Ever since the two of them kissed, Aiden's become much more reckless and even more short-tempered. And this time, whenever he gets so intoxicated that he can hardly walk, instead of being flirty or playful with Julian, he's quiet and standoffish, giving him the cold shoulder as if he couldn't stand him.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me," Julian mumbled before taking his leave.

After he was gone, Aiden relaxed in his seat at the bar and poured himself another drink, feeling like a total asshole. He'd been desperately trying to chase away the new and complex feelings that'd been pestering him ever since he royally fucked up and kissed his bodyguard a few nights ago. He's been doing everything in his power to expel the memories of that night from his brain, but to no avail, they remained.

How could I have been so careless? I can't believe I kissed another man... and liked it. Holy fuck, I really liked it. A lot. Too much. Way too much.

Aiden took another shot.

He was in a dark place right now, a dark place where he was irritated and angry with himself because nothing seemed to make sense anymore; nothing about relationships, love, lust, or his sexual preferences. Aiden had thought he knew what he wanted, knew what he liked when it comes to fooling around with the opposite sex, but now... after having had just a small taste of Julian McAndrew, Aiden isn't so sure about what – or who – he prefers anymore.

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