14. Have Patience

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24 Hours Later

Aiden had almost been on his way to meet his maker twenty-four hours ago.

It's a miracle that he's still alive and breathing right now. A miracle that his liver is still functioning as it should despite all the years of reckless drinking that Aiden has subjected it to.

On his way home with Julian, Aiden still feels a little bit under the weather, but overall, he's glad to be alive when things could have easily taken a turn for the worst yesterday. Aiden shudders to think about what might have happened had he not actually pulled through. He can't imagine the amount of pain and despair that his family would've inevitably gone through had he not recovered and woke up.

He can imagine, however, how pissed off he'd feel if he had crossed over to the other side without having told Julian how he truly felt about him, how he cared about him, and how he desperately wanted to be with him in every way possible. 

Having come so close to losing his life, Aiden realized – finally – that he needed to stop being so damn stubborn and just go after what, or who, it is that he wants.

And right now, more than anything, he wants to be with Julian McAndrew. 

"You'll have to be patient with me. Relationships aren't really my thing, but I know what I feel and I know what I want. I've known it since we first kissed, but I was too scared to admit it to myself at the time..."

Aiden looked over at Julian in the driver's seat, quietly admiring his features while he drove them home from the hospital.

Julian was listening to every word that Aiden had said, but visually, he seemed to be in another zone. It was late and both men were tired, but for whatever reason, it was now for when Aiden had finally decided to tell Julian how he'd been feeling ever since the first day that he laid his eyes on him.

And damn if this wasn't one of the hardest things that he's ever had to do in his entire life.

"It's you, Julian." Aiden's eyes lowered to his and Julian's conjoined hands which were laying on the armrest between them. "I want to be with you."

Aiden, feeling uneasy by his bodyguard's sudden inability to speak, squeezed Julian's hand to try and get his attention. It failed. And as if this wasn't hard enough for Aiden to be so open about his feelings...his feelings for a man of all things, the least that Julian could do was acknowledge him.

"Hello? Did you hear me or have I just been talking to my fucking self this entire time?"

"I heard every word you said, Grayson. Just give me a minute, okay? This is a lot for me to process," Julian whispered, keeping his eyes on the road. His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest while he struggled to remain impassive about the sticky situation he's found himself in. "Your family is staying over tonight and I don't want to get tied up in such a serious conversation right now. We should talk about this later when we'll have more privacy."

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