34. Mind, Body, and Soul (Mature)

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34. MIND, BODY, AND SOUL (Mature)

"The shower is still running." Julian broke off their kiss before things got too hot and heavy. "We need to turn it off."

"To hell with the shower," Aiden said. "Let's not get distracted now."

Julian was the fix that Aiden hadn't known he needed until now. With Julian, Aiden couldn't keep his hands to himself. And it wasn't as if Julian had the greatest self-control. In one swift motion, he grabbed Aiden by the waist, spun him around, and pushed him until he fell backward onto the bed, laughing.

"You don't know how long I've fantasized about this moment." Julian heavily eyed his naked lover, licking his lips while hastily peeling out of his clothes. "Or how many times I dreamed of having you like this, naked and desperate for me."

"God, Julian..." Aiden moaned in response to Julian's words. Acting out on impulse, he brought a hand to his throbbing cock and began stroking it. "Hurry and get over here."

The two shared a connection that they both could feel. It's been there since day one, a type of magnetic pull that was hellbent on bringing them closer to one another. It was so potent they could almost taste it.

"I'll try my best to not lose control, but I won't make any promises." Julian had finally gotten down to his boxers when he climbed on the bed and on top of Aiden. It drove Julian wild to see Aiden so vulnerable and exposed. So naked and ready. "The cute little sounds that you make get me so fucking hot." Julian brushed his lips along Aiden's neck, licking and nipping at the skin. "Beg for it."

"W-What?" Aiden stammered, in a daze. 

"You heard me." Julian drew back and placed a hand on Aiden's chest so that he couldn't sit up. "I want you to beg for it. Beg for my cock that I know you're dying to have inside you." Julian had a mischievous grin on his face as he trailed a finger along Aiden's chest, making him shudder. "I really wanted this to be super cheesy and romantic, but like I said earlier, I'm not in the mood to play nice. You have yourself to blame for that." Julian grabbed hold of Aiden's cock, causing Aiden to draw in a sharp breath as Julian rolled his thumb over the leaking slit. "Tell me how it feels, baby."

Aiden groaned, pushing his hips upwards. "Incredible. Please, Julian..."

"Please, what?" Julian watched in excitement as Aiden squirmed with desire for him. "Tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you." Aiden said nothing, but the euphoric look on his face spoke volumes as Julian jerked him off. "You're so fucking stubborn, but I'll break you."

Aiden was having trouble keeping his eyes open as his toes curled and muscles tensed. "Stop treating this like a game. You'll kill me."

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