16. Rain Check

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The Next Day

Aiden hasn't left his house since being released from the hospital.

Instead, he's been holed up in his mansion enjoying his time with Julian McAndrew - the only person that he felt truly understood him and all that he's going through at the moment.

The two of them were almost inseparable.

Nevertheless, with Julian by his side, Aiden was an untroubled, happy-go-lucky man. He couldn't remember the last time that he felt so at peace with himself. He couldn't remember the last time that he felt this happy. And little did his bodyguard know, Julian played a huge part in turning Aiden around for the better.

Being admitted to the hospital for alcohol poisoning was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to Aiden. Life had been slapping him in the face trying to get his attention all this time but he just wouldn't listen. Life had been trying to tell him that it was time to grow the fuck up, and finally, after having a near-death experience, he received the message loud and clear.

"I don't think your family would like me very much." Aiden smiled at Julian while his fingers drew patterns along his sculpted face as his head rested in Aiden's lap. The two were cuddled up on the couch downstairs watching a movie that neither was paying much attention to.

"I know your mother will be an issue with her beliefs and whatnot, but I think I could win over your sister," Aiden said. "I don't know about your dad, though. Dad's tend to hate me due to my reputation and...well, now that I think about it, your sister will probably hate me, too. Shit! I don't stand a chance with either of them do I?"

"Actually, I think you three would get along just fine. My dad is an opened minded person, as is my sister. They'd welcome you with open arms if they knew that I was serious about you, which I am," Julian yawned. "You're putting me to sleep with whatever it is you're doing with my hair."

"Do you want to call it a night and head upstairs to bed?" Aiden asked, laughing softly at his own question. It was funny because, with women, he'd never been this gentlemanly. "You're such a weak link. I thought you could hang. It's only eleven o'clock!"

Julian's eyes were shut when he muttered something about wanting to finish the movie that was already coming to an end. The two of them had gotten lost in their conversation and the TV ended up watching them.

"Jules, the movie is over," Aiden chuckled. "I don't think you can sit through another one. C'mon, let's go to bed."

Julian groggily stood from the couch and stretched out his limbs. "Are we sleeping in your room tonight or mine? Your bed is so much softer..." When he eventually opened his eyes, he caught Aiden staring at him with a devilish smirk on his face. "What's that look for?"

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