08. Who Are You?

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As soon as Aiden woke up, he wasted no time in calling the beautiful ladies a cab – after getting them to sign non-disclosure agreements regarding their disgustingly wild night together – to send them all on their merrily way home.

Aiden then showered and put on a fresh pair of black boxer briefs before checking his cell phone to see what all he'd missed; he was promptly greeted with an endless amount of calls, texts, and emails. He mindlessly scrolled through the majority of them, not bothering to respond, and only stopped when he found what he'd been looking for.

"It's about damn time."

Kyle had finally sent Aiden the background check that he'd done on Julian, per Aiden's request. Breezing through the short document, Aiden found himself feeling thoroughly disappointed because Kyle had only delivered the basics, shit Aiden hadn't really cared about. Kyle was unable to find one interesting thing about his brother's new bodyguard, Julian McAndrew.

"He doesn't even have a middle name. Fucking seriously?" Aiden sighed in frustration, tossing his phone aside. "Such a waste of time."

It appeared that whatever Aiden wanted to know about Julian McAndrew, he'd have to man-up and actually talk to the guy, ask questions, and get to know him on a more personal level to truly find out who he really is.

"I see you sent the trio scurrying home bright and early this morning." Julian gave his boss a non-judgmental grin after Aiden entered the kitchen. "I'm actually glad they're gone because I only made breakfast for two. I hope you're hungry."

"Yeah, starving." Aiden went over to one of the cupboards to grab a glass so that he could pour himself some orange juice. As he then moved towards the refrigerator, he stalled for a moment. "Um, would you also like something to drink?" Aiden turned and asked his bodyguard. "I have apple juice, orange juice..."

"I'll have whatever you're having. Thanks." Julian smiled, being polite.

Aiden nodded and fetched Julian a glass, fixing them both something to drink. If he wanted to learn more about Julian McAndrew, Aiden couldn't come off as a dick. He had to play nice.

"So. It seems like I'm a little overdressed for breakfast this morning," Julian joked as he allowed his eyes to roam over Aiden's exposed body. Although he had a slender frame, Aiden still had quite a bit of muscle on him. As Julian's eyes trailed further down Aiden's body, after Aiden turned around from the refrigerator, Julian unconsciously squirmed in his seat after taking notice of the very large bulge in between Aiden's legs. "Holy fuck..." Julian mumbled quietly to himself.

And, for the first time since being here, Julian had to forcefully tear his eyes away from Aiden.

"Sorry. My brain is still waking up. I followed the smell of the food and completely forgot to put on clothes." Aiden took a seat at the table and passed Julian his drink, having been oblivious to the way his bodyguard's wandering eyes drank him in just a few minutes prior. "If I'm making you uncomfortable, I can eat upstairs."

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