Chapitre Onze

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“I know, I can’t believe it!” Johanna spat, furiously.

Amber watched as her friend sank on the armchair, frustrated.

“He told you to leave after a phone call?!”

“Yes.” She sighed, feeling the tears. “Of course he has a girlfriend or something. How could I be so stupid? Tell me, Amber, how could I be that stupid?”

Amber hesitated, finding her friend’s behavior strange. 

“You both did agree on the ‘no strings’ deal…”

“That is not the point.” Johanna replied. “No strings, fine with me. But if he has a girlfriend, if he is married, well, then I have a problem! I am anything but a home destroyer!”

“Hmmm” Amber mumbled. “Jo, how much do you like this man?”

“What? Oh, come on, you can’t possibly think…”

“I’m not thinking anything, I’m just asking you…”

“He was a nice entertainment.” She replied bitterly. “But if he is indeed making a fool of me…”

“Are you falling for him or something?”

Johanna laughed exaggeratedly. “Me? Falling for him? You’ve lost your mind.”

“Or maybe you have!” Amber raised an eyebrow. “Why is my question so funny?”

“Because, such nonsense is hilarious! How am I to fall for a guy I’ve met in Paris on a vacation? That’s absurd and irrational!”

“And you, Miss Rational, are  so bothered by the fact he told you to leave after a phone call… Actually, you’ve been bothered by his phone calls for  a while.”

“So? It doesn’t mean I’m falling for him…”

“Alright, then.” Amber replied. “I will pretend I believe that. So, no strings attached?”


“And you’re perfectly fine with this part?”


“The only thing bothering you is that he might be taken.”

“Is there an echo here?”

“Very well. Then there is only one way out for this.”

“What would it be?”

“Ask him.”

Johanna rolled her eyes. “Right.”

“I mean it. The worst things that could happen are: one, he is taken; and two, he gets upset with your question and decides to never see you again. Either way, you said no strings attached and you’re fine with it, and you are just bothered by the possibility that he is taken… So, there you are.”

Johanna couldn’t go back on her word.

“Well… I suppose you’re right…”

“Of course I’m right.” Amber grabbed the keys of the hotel flat. “Now be a nice girl and don’t make any mess until I’m back.”

“Where are you going?”

“We are out of wine and food. I will go down to a supermarket. Want some pizza?”

“And chocolate.” Johanna grabbed her wallet and handed Amber a few notes. “Lots of chocolate.”

“Of course.” She winked. “I’ll be back within one hour.”

As she left, Johanna went to the kitchen too see what was there to eat. She found a can of Fanta and some macadamia. Frustrated, she took the Fanta and turned on the TV on the music channel.

“Oh, come on, you’ve got to be freaking kidding me!” She screamed when she saw which video clip was playing.

Nevermind, I’ll find someone like you…

“Shut up, Adele!” She spat, hitting the “OFF” button on the remote.

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