Chapter 11: From rags to death.

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I involuntary bask in the July sun, I try to ignore the rat's skidding across the room. 
"Orla, Orla please- wake up!" Maysilee says in a quivering voice, following that Maysilee screams for help- by the sound of Maysilee's voice she's in utter shock. Orla lies unresponsive on the floor, Orla's face turnt to a sickening purple color. Peace keeper's stormed into the room and whisked Maysilee, Orla and Norma (The district 2 tribute) away faster than I could comprehend what happened. 

I awaited clarity about what happened earlier, however I found myself still craving an answer. 
The slightest bit of insight I got was gossip from the District 1 girl- Giada. 

In the midst of me and Giada's gossip session, peace keepers all rounded us up and brung us all to our individual room's that had our designer and team awaiting us. 

Tigris had a concerned expression plasterd on her face. 

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