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Hello, everybody!

I've been working on this story for several months as just a fun project for myself, but I figured that I would go ahead and share it with all of you since it was done anyways. There are a couple variations of this floating around on various fic platforms, but I wanted to do my own take on it. This story is a Supernatural x Percy Jackson crossover that is basically just a rewrite of Supernatural with elements of Percy Jackson mixed in. In this case, the latter's contribution so far is mostly just Percy himself.

I just have five things I want to say before we all get started here so that you know what's going on and anything else notable.

1. Don't look too long at the cover. Graphic design is NOT my passion. I made it in five minutes. I almost didn't make it at all. Just...please. Don't think too hard about it. I beg.

2. I believe (emphasis on the fact that I'm not for certain) that this can be somewhat reasonably read without having to consume either of these original medias. You'll definitely miss some exposition, but for the most part, enough of the important plot to this story is either actively playing out or gets explained. However, I will say that this starts at episode 3 of Supernatural, so if you have a couple of extra hours, I'd recommend watching them or reading a summary or the script or something if you're not familiar. On that note, since this is partially just a Supernatural rewrite, I've pretty much taken out any scene that wouldn't have been changed and wasn't absolutely essential for the plot. If something is confusing because of that, totally feel free to comment and ask what the hell is going on or just go take a quick gander at the episode if you want. I'm happy to help.

3. This story begins in season 1 of supernatural, and it is set within the year or so after Heroes of Olympus. I honestly have not finished Trials of Apollo, so I have elected to ignore it, at least for this book. For the most part, this follows the PJO canon through Blood of Olympus with some occasional headcanons or artistic choices sprinkled in. If it seems like something important is awry, I either didn't work the explanation into the book on purpose, or I'm an idiot and I forgot. Both are equally fine with me, tbh. Feel free to theorize amongst yourselves.

4. Like I said, I wrote this for fun and for myself. Thus, I've really doubled down on the aspects of storytelling that I enjoy personally, and I realize that this creates a few things that may be perceived as mis-characterization depending on how you view certain characters. So, just as an example (totally not what's happening here at all), if I took Dean Winchester's big brother instincts and absolutely fucking ran with them, don't worry about it. Just enjoy the ride.

5. Please suspend your disbelief for me. I did, like, the absolute BARE MINIMUM of research for anything and I make a lot of assumptions because, again, I'm just here for a good time. If something is unrealistic and fills you with, like, unmanageable amounts of rage, you can yell at me in the comments ig, but please bare with my made-up nonsense when it comes up on occasion LOL

That's all from me for now. I hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing about these idiots <3

(and if anyone reads this and comes up with a better/wittier title let me know bc holy shit it's bad rn)

Demons, Demigods, and Winchesters (Supernatural/Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now