Chapter 1: The Audition

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The longest queue ever seen was right in front of me. Hundreds of guys around my age were waiting there just to audition.
4 hours later, it was my turn to enter.

As I was walking by the hall i saw many auditioned people scared, regretting everything. Now I was even more scared! What if I disappointed my dad? He spent lots of money to make my dream come true, I could've ruined all that!
I walked across the stage. Simon, one of the judges started talking to me.

—Simon— Hello, what's your name?
—Me— Hi, I'm Lily, Lily Jones.
—Simon— Lily Jones. Wow, funny accent, never heard any British accent sound like that.
—Me— Yeah, actually I'm spanish so.. well.
— Simon— You've got a really nice accent for being spanish, actually.
—Me— Thanks, I really appreciate it.
—Simon— can you introduce yourself a bit?
—Me— Emm, I'm 15, but turning 16 next month.
I was born in Spain but I moved to London when I was 5. My mum was American, that why the name. I've been living there since then. I'm a dancer and hoping to be a singer too.
—Simon—Wow, that's great, nice combo. Why are you here? Why do you think you've got the X factor?
—Me— I participated at a school contest a while ago, and everybody told me I was a great singer. Since then, I discovered song writing and singing is my passion, and I want to know if I really am good. I think all my abilities combine good so, let's give it a try!
—Simon— Yeah, I think that too. Let's see what you've got. What are you gonna sing for us today?
—Me— It's called Just the way you're, by Bruno Mars.
—Simon— Whenever you're ready.

I started to get really nervous after those words. I was not feeling ready. I was scared if ruining everything. One the other hand, I was just 15, I could hold that pressure. I decided to breathe in and relax, I had to sing for those judges.

-"Oh her eyes her eyes..."

Everybody started to clap. I cried a bit. I was excited. I wasn't that bad.

—Louis— That was the best audition I've seen this season! Holy shit!
—Nicole— Sorry Lily, he's not supposed to say that on Tv but, yeah, you've got an amazing voice.
— Simon— Yes, you've got a magical voice. Something we're looking for is not just a good singer, is someone who can transmit the meaning on the song thought the voice.
—Nicole— When you sing, you feel it. That's what we need in young singers.
— Louis— For me is a yes.
—Nicole— I agree, we would love to have you on the contest.
(Simon starts writing in his notebook, there's an uncomfortable silence).

—Simon—Welcome to the X factor Lily.

—Me— Thank you so much!! You won't regret it.

I ran out of stage and went directly to hug my dad. Other contestants were there, some of them looking jealous and others were clapping.
They loved my audition, i was in!

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A few weeks later, my phone started to ring. It was from the X factor. The had finished all auditions all over the UK and practice was starting next week. I had to get ready.

If I'm being honest, Im not a really open person, and making friends it's not my best quality. Some guys looked at me weirdly . What if they hated me for my audition? What if they pranked me later? I didn't know what was going to happen, but I had to go there.

End of June, it was my first day as an X factor contestant. They coached us and sang some songs all together. There was a lot of people, many different boys and girls. Everyone seemed to have their particular style.
By the end of the day, almost everyone had their group. The girls together, the boys together. I didn't have any.

The weeks passed and they were kicking people out. I was still in, very proud of myself.

When I finished practice one day, a blonde guy walked in.
— Blonde Guy— Hi, you're Lily right?

—Me— Yeah, that's me. Oh sorry you were going to practice here sorry I'll leave now.

— Blonde guy— No please, don't worry! I'm Niall, by the way.

—Me— I know you. You're the Irish guy who always plays guitar.

—Niall— Yep! I just love playing.

— Me— Honestly, I've always wanted to, learn, but never could. I think I should consider of taking up classes.

— Niall— I could teach you sometime!

— Me— Yeah!, that would be great, thanks. What were you gonna say?

—Niall— Oh yeah I forgot. You probably don't know because you were all alone at break, but they're throwing a party at Linda's, tonight, in case you wanna come!

—Me— Thanks but, I don't know. I'm not really a "party person" and I don't have any friends here.

—Niall— Now you've got me. Please come! It'll be so fun!

—Me— Okay, I'll think about it.

—Niall— Yes! Here's the address and my number, in case you wanna text me. See ya!

He walked away. I was so happy he came.
I was not really sure of going to that party, but Niall was so nice to me and I could say no. I showered, dressed up and dad drived me to Linda's.

Everyone was already there. Everyone looked at me when i enter.

—Niall— Oh there she is! My favourite Spanish! Come here I'll introduce you to some people!

— Me— Hi, I'm Lily.
—Guy— Oh we know you! We loved your audition. Tough song, great singing. I'm Robin.
—Me— Thank you so much, I guess I love Bruno Mars haha!
—Robin— Come here, I want you to meet my friends.

It was a crazy night. I got to meet a lot of new people, they were really  nice to me, not as I expected. I danced, I laughed a lot with Niall but it was time to go back home.

—Me— Niall, I'm leaving. See you on Saturday!
—Niall— I called my brother to pick me up, if you want to we can drive you.
—Me— oh yes thanks, that would be great.

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I thanked Linda and walked away with Niall down street. His brother was on his way there, so we had some time to talk.

—Niall— Come on... admit it! You had fun didn't you?
—Me—I have.. I think I was just scared of what people could've thought of me. I just can't do what you do, I can't start to talk to them with no reason! How do you do it? How do you do to have so many friends!?
—Niall— People like me because I believe I'm funny.
—Me— You're.
—Niall— Thanks. What I mean is that they like me, but I don't really have any friends either.
—Me— What am I? A door? You can always count on me, you know that.
—Niall— you too. Even if we get kicked out, we'll talk okay?
—Me— Promise.

Niall's brother Greg arrived. He drived me home.

Let me know please if you're enjoying it, I'm not sure if I should keep posting! To the people reading, thanks, it's amazing! Love yaaa xx

1D dr: "The story of my life" Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon