Chapter 2: The group

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July 23rd, 2010. Next day at the X factor.
We spent all day practicing, singing. That evening we had to sing in front of the judges. Next week the selected ones would move to the judge's house. I was nervous and exhausted. I didn't want to leave, everything was just so perfect, I wanted to stay.

(I run backstage a little late, Niall was waiting for me there.)

—Niall— Gosh where were you! We're next and I'm not sure if I should sing the song I'm gonna sing because Simon won't like it and what if he kicks me out? What if I jus-

—Me— Niall stop! Look at me, look me in the eyes. —I held his hands— we'll do great, relax! Just do what you do, amaze them, you're just nervous. If you don't feel confident, look at me and breathe, I'll be right next to you. I love you, don't forget it. — he hugs me.

—Niall— thanks thanks thanks Lils , I love you.

—Unknown worker— "Last Call For Lily Jones and Niall Horan!!".

—Niall— okay gotta go.

Sadly, our song didn't go really good. It wasn't bad but we both missed a few notes. We went to the dressing room. I couldnt contain my tears. What if I just had ruined my whole future career? And what about dad? He definitely would be disappointed.

Niall saw that I was crying and came to hug me. "Don't worry, we'll be alright" he said.
Suddenly, when we were at our lows, very disappointed on ourselves, Simon asked us, all the contestants to reunite.
He started to call names.
—Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Niall Horan and Lily Jones, walk to stage.

We 6 went, as well as other 5 girls.
—Simon— You all might be wondering what are you doing here. Well, it's quite simple. We consider you have a lot of talent that cannot be wasted. So, we've decided to put you in two different groups.

Niall raises his hand
—Simon— Yes Niall?
—Niall— So... now we compete as a group?
—Simon— Exactly. Strangely, your voices could sound good together. They all are so different, but we think it'll work.

—Me— I'm sorry Simon but I'm not with the girls?
—Simon— No. We think you could bring really good things to this boy band. Only if you're comfortable. If there's any problem we can...
—Me— No, Simon, it's okay for me.
—Simon— Perfect. Then, girls go to the blue dressing room and the rest stay there, we need to talk. Nicole, go see the girls.

Simon gathered us. He told us that we had to spend some time together to get to know us. Rehearsals would start the following week, so we had work to do.

We walked to the dressing rooms. I felt all of the boys staring at me from the back. I was sure they didn't want me in the band, except from Niall, of course.
There was a long silence so Niall started the conversation.

—Niall— Well... I'm Niall, Niall Horan.
—Harry— Like the river? Nile like the river?
—Niall— No hahaha, N-I-A-L-L. I'm Irish.
—Harry— Ahh okay sorry hahaha. I'm Harry.
—Zayn— I'm Zayn.
—Louis— Louis
—Liam— I'm Liam.

They all looked at me. I was peeling some skin off my fingers nervously.

—I'm Lily, Lily Jones.


As Simon told us, we decided to meet at Harry's stepfather's house.
There was a fire and some food. Niall took his guitar and started playing. We all sang together.

Then, all of them got up and started playing soccer. I'm not a sporty person, so I stayed sat down while I watched.

Harry was sweating. He turned around smiling. Everything stopped in that moment. His dimples, his hair, his eyes. I felt something inside. Everything started to move in slow motion. My heart started to beat faster. But then, I saw Louis.
He was a funny guy, the oldest, but strangely the less mature of all. He looked at me weirdly. He didn't want me there for sure.
Harry ran to me and asked if I was okay, because a few tears were running down my face.

—Harry— Are you okay? You need something? The bathroom is right there, if you need to.

I didn't answer.
I tried to turn around to hide it, but Liam noticed.

—Liam— Hey hey Lily, you ok? What's wrong.

Still didn't talk.

—Liam— I understand you're not totally happy. You have been put with 5 idiots. But they gave us this chance, they think we can make it. I've heard your singing, you're amazing, trust me. If somethings wrong then tell me please, we're in this together.

He saw I wasn't answering so he turned around to go back with the boys.

—Me— Is not I don't think we can make it. I feel you guys don't like me. You're boys, I'm not. You're from the UK, I'm not. You'r-
—Liam— That's why you hurt yourself? — He interrupted.
—Me— I wouldn't say hurt...
—Liam— I noticed your nails yesterday at the X Factor. Anxiety, right?
—Me— How you know?
—Liam— You're not the only one. How long have you been..?
—Me— A few days ago, I don't know how to control it, this never happened to me.
— Liam— Lily breath. I'm here, I've got experience, you can count on me. On all of us.
—Me— You too. If you don't feel okay just call me.

I gave him my number.

—Who wants some pizza!?— Harry said.

Late night talking. We slept at Harry's. Actually, I had fun. They let me the best bed cause I was the only girl. They asked me some questions and we got to know each other.

Harry and I were the youngest. '94 babies. Niall, Liam and Zayn 1993. Louis 2 years older.
I loved the fact Niall and me were left handed. I liked to share those kind of things with someone.

I told them my story, how my mum left and all that happened ever since then. Louis looked more empathetic. They also shared some personal experiences and that created a strong relationship between all of us.

They all fell asleep except from Zayn and me. He sat next to me.
Harry looked so cute sleeping. I smiled and Zayn noticed.

—Zayn— You like him don't you?
—Me— I don't know we just met.
—Zayn— Of course you do. The eyes never lie.

I didn't want to admit I had a crush on him. I got to know him that exact day. I didn't know how he really was. But he seemed caring, handsome and careful. His deep green eyes and those dark curls, oh my god.
Zayn was still waiting for an answer.

—Me— Im not sure yet, but, maybe...
—Zayn— Knew it! Don't worry, I won't tell anybody.
—Me— Thanks.

I laid down. Zayn was watching me fall asleep. Then, he started singing because he couldn't.

—Zayn— I thought I saw a GIRL brought to life...

They followed him.

—Louis — SHE was warm she came around like she was dignified..
—Liam—SHE showed me what it was to cry..
—Niall— well you couldn't be that GIRL I adored.
—Zayn—You didn't seem to know, or seem to care, what your heart is for.
—Liam— I don't know HER anymore.

Harry wakes up.
—Harry— There's nothing where, we used to lie. Our conversation has run dry.
—Me— That's what's going on..
—Me and Harry— nothings fine I'm torn..

He looks at me.

—Me and Harry—I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed,
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn

The rest looks at us. We both laugh nervously.

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