Chapter 6: New me, New us

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The weeks passed and my new life was about to begin.
I'll put you in context.

As you know, we didn't win the X Factor. How sad to be honest. But the biggest opportunity knocked our doors. Syco Music wanted to sign with us to start our musical career, as a band. Awesome, I know.

We had around two months of holidays, to go back home with our families. But, nothing ever lasts forever.

One direction would be recording their debut album "Up All Night" to release it by the end of the year. Also, we would be doing many interviews, going to lots of events, concerts and tour with some artist, as we received invitations. Big time rush for example...
The thing is, I used to said it was funny how things never changed in my old town... but now?

So, Simon thought that the best thing we could do to make work easier was to buy a house together in London, while we record our album. So we did.


Our house was amazing. A white big building in a good location, separated from people but having all we needed near.
It had 4 floors.
Firstly a basement, with table tennis and fun games to spend time. Also, a big area with instruments, connected to another one, were we could record songs.

The main entrance led the ground floor. The kitchen, a bathroom, living room where here. Also, from the living room a window-door leading to the swimming pool, surrounded by an amazing and lively garden.
Once you get to the second floor, we find our rooms. Liam's, Louis' and Zayn's, each one with a bathroom their own. And the third floor, the rest of them: Harry's, Niall's and mines.
I loved mine. I had the best views, to be honest, and it was a little bit bigger. But the boys didn't notice AT ALL. Lucky me hahaha.

The more time I spent there, the more I liked it, and it was amazing. It was all I could have asked for.
My job was cool, we rehearsed together and have a nice time at the same time. I could be with my friends now family every minute of the day, I loved it. I loved them, more than they thought.

It's hard to explain our relationship. We were always joking between us, but when working, we focused and make sure it was perfect. We worked well as a team.
Also, they protected me as if I was their little sister, which was cute, but made me feel defenceless sometimes, not just when being with the boys.

For example, when I wanted to talk to Simon or management about song lines distribution (which wasn't fair at all), they didn't hear me. But I guess that was just another unfair act I had to live with. It wasn't that bad.

What I felt bad with was love. I liked Harry, how couldn't I? All of the boys knew but I didn't want Harry to know, of course. Then... what could I do? I felt nervous and anxious every time he was close to me. He didn't notice, he didn't pay attention to me, or at any single detail of his physique, his dimples, eyes, HAIR! I did. I was always paying attention, have you noticed his smile? Or the smirk? Gosh, I'm truly caught up.
But Harry just saw me as his sister, his best friends, just Lily, a band mate. Also, to cheer me up a little more, every fan had a crush on him. He was "the ladies favourite". Lucky me, again.

Let's please change the topic, my mind's complicated and so it's love.

About my mental health, I was doing fine. I had one or two panic attacks but nothing really serious.

Stop lying to yourself Lils.
At least, I got closer to Liam cause he helped me with those.


I'll tell you about the album. As it was our first, most of the songs were written for us. We would release What Makes You Beautiful as our first single. One thing, on the way too, and so the music videos. I didn't tell anybody but I had a few songs prepared for the new album. Have I told you the topic? No right? Funny, love love love again.

All the songs were obviously about Harry. You might know one of them for "I should have kiss you". What a great song right?
You already know that songwriting was my passion, and just one event gave me the inspiration to write this song. It's ridiculous, don't blame me.

It all happened this way...
We went to the beach to record the music video for our first single"What Makes You Beautiful".
They wanted us to film something to a hangout with friends at the beach, driving a van all together, a big group of boys and girls... you've seen it, you know what i mean.
Harry was supposed to "fall in love" (in the context) with one of the girls they brang, and sing the solo REALLY close to to her face. I wasn't jealous at all, what are you saying.

But then, unexpectedly, they said the girl wasn't doing it, that they wanted me instead. I freak out silently.

To be honest, I think it was better for the image of  the group. I mean, Simon said Harry was the the main one, the charming one, and I was the only girl, so the attention was ours mostly. We looked really good together, I'm not saying it because I like him, stop blaming my heart!

We finished recording the "all together" scenes and it was time to film Harry's solo, our solo. The boys were chuckling at the fact that I was gonna have his face almost on mine. They laughed at me while I threw them murderous looks.

—Louis—surrounded by Niall, Liam and Zayn; Harry and me weren't close—How interesting todays filming, isn't it?

—Liam—Louis come on, you know she really likes him, this has to be difficult for her.

—Niall—Yeah, and also knowing Harry doesn't feel the same way. If he did, that would be really much easier, don't you think?

—Zayn—Wait... He doesn't? He told you that?

—Niall—No, but he didn't say anything.

—Zayn—I think he does, but he hasn't realised yet.

—Louis—Yeah zayn. —says ironically—Whatever you say, haha.

They all laughed, but soon discovered Zayn was right. He always is.

Meanwhile, my green eyed "friend" and me were in set waiting for the cameras and director to film.

—Harry—So... You ready Lily?

I loved when he called my name. ("Say my name and everything just stops". "When you say my name I like the way it sounds".)

—Me—I guess, I've never had anyone that close that I can see their pores haha—I laugh nervously— Hope you brushed your teeth, though... —I say to sound confident and cool. Pathetic.

—Harry—I have, don't worry. —Says laughing—  Don't worry about the scene either, you'll be splendid.

He smiles. Wow Harry.

—Director—30 seconds!

And there it went. The probably most ridiculous thing that happened to me that year.

Harry started to sing. He was holding my arms and singing the way he does. Dimples showing, I was falling. Falling for him. I looked directly to those deep green eyes when...

—Harry—"But when you smile at the grou-

I passed out.
They said it was because the sun was really hot, and they weren't wrong. Sure mine was.


A few minutes later I woke up with this headache. And he was still there.

Luckily, they told us to go home to relax, we would continue the following day.

What a day.

1D dr: "The story of my life" Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon