Chapter 3: Last weeks at X Factor

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Hey! Thanks to all of the readers! I'm excited for this story! If you like it leave a comment or something please! Thanks xx!

The next day at the X Factor went really well. We had to spend the whole weekend practicing, to present our song "Torn" to the judges.

How was living at the judges house? AMAZING!
Now that I had friends, that was like a super fun summer camp. Everyone was so nice, we created our big family, we're we supported each other even though we were rivals. I didn't want that to end.

The boys shared a room with bunk beds. I obviously wasn't with them, Simon wasn't that mean. I shared with the girls.
If I'm being honest, I was kinda scared. I was in a band with the hottest guys in the X Factor (that's what they said, I couldn't see it haha). I got to spend all day with them, and the ladies were just jealous, what made me feel uncomfortable. It was obvious that they hated me, they could've done something bad to my stuff, bed or stole my clothes.
Don't worry, they didn't, but I lived with that fear.

We did many activities. My favourite part of the journey was when we could be in the swimming pool or just going down to the beach we had near us. But don't forget I was there for a reason, to win the X Factor and become and artist, now in a band.

Our rehearsal went great. Well, great except for the detail of singing parts. Liam, Zayn and Harry had all the solos. The rest we jus sang the chorus, it wasn't fair. But I couldn't go there and say I didn't agree. I didn't make the rules. Niall and Louis were as annoyed as me, despite the fact that Louis didn't want to agree with me and admit it.
After singing Torn, we sang many other bangers, loved them all. My favourite performance? Viva la Vida. We had so much fun!

We kept staying on the contest. The final performance was soon, we had to get prepared.

We decided to meet again to practice more and have a nice time.

And it came: the final week on the X Factor. We didn't know what will happen next, we just wanted it to last forever.

That week the X Factor Team organised something really fun for us. All, as a group, we would be travelling around England to visit our hometown. Obviously, Niall and me couldn't, but the prepared interviews connecting ourselves with Spain and Ireland. It was really thoughtful of them, we really appreciated it.
After them, we went to Louis school, Bradford, and Holmes's Chapel. For Liam we went to his hometown to do a concert. The fans were CRAZY about us. I was kinda too.


That Saturday, arrived. The day we were trying to avoid came.
We had been practicing our performance: "Your Song".
I was pretty uneasy. All of the boys were sure I could do it, but I wasn't, I couldn't trust myself. I was nervous.

Being in a band is difficult, way different to being a solo artist. If I made any mistakes, it would have consequences for ALL of us. Instead, being alone means everything happens because of you.

We were backstage getting ready. I was in my dressing room, finishing my makeup when someone knocked my door.
—Liam— Are you decent? Can I come in?
—Me— Yeah, sure.

He opened the door slowly.

—Liam— Simon wants us to be ready next to the stage in 10.
—Me— Okay thanks I'll be there in a minute.

I couldn't resist it. A tear fell down my face. Liam obviously noticed.

—Liam— Hey, hey, hey, Lily no, please. Don't cry. What's up? You're just nervous aren't you?
—Me— of course I am. What if I ruin everything? What if we don't win because of me?
—Liam— Lily, stop doing this to yourself. You have the best voice in our band, girl. Without you we wouldn't be here you know that, right?

He dried my tears.

—Liam— I'm really nervous too.
—Me— Really? You do great your part!
—Liam— You too. So get ready and forget about all these thoughts you have 'Kay?
—Me— Okay. Thanks.

He went to their dressing room with a smile on his face. I was more relaxed now. But I still couldn't stop thinking about what could happen.
Right after, Niall entered.

—Niall— I hope you aren't as nervous as I am cause I'm gonna freak out.
—Me— I am. I've been talking to Liam and I feel better but still...

A few tears fell again.

—Niall— Oh no lils don't please!

He held my hands
—Niall— Look at me, right in the eyes. We're gonna do great, relax!
Just do what you do, amaze them, you're just nervous. If you don't feel confident, look at me and breathe, I'll be right next to you. I love you, don't forget it.

I laughed a bit.
—Me— Gosh you still remember that stupid speech I gave you hahahaha!
—Niall— It's not stupid. It works.
—Me— I guess so...
—Niall— Well, anyways, let's go, Simon's waiting for us.

He took my hand and I dragged me there. They were all there, wearing elegant clothes, in which I had never seen them before. Them either.
I was wearing a sparkly pink dress and my hair down.
Everybody in the room turned heads when I walked though the door.
—Zayn— Wow.
—Louis— You look...
—Harry— Beautiful.

—Me— Gosh guys thanks! You too, even though anything is better that those pants you wear. Sorry, they're horrible hahaha!

Niall hugged me and the rest joined.

—All— 3,2,1 DIRECTION!!

1D dr: "The story of my life" Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora