Chapter 13: The Couple

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But it didn't go as planned.

—"Shhh, shut up Harry they will hear us!"—I whisper.—"You got the keys?"
—Yea, yeah make way"—He introduces them and I take my heels off. We open the door silently.—"Turn your flashlight on"

—"I don't think that's necessary".

The lights turn on and we see our 4 friends standing right there not looking happy. Oh shit.

"Are you gonna explain or we stay here all night?"—The oldest said.

Harry and I changed looks but stayed silent.

"You're not gonna say anything? When were you gonna tell us you're dating?"—The blond one adds.

"We weren't till tonight. We thought you would be happy for us. We were gonna tell you tomorrow,  weren't expecting you up, anyway."—Harry says now.—"I know you guys don't like as together but we thought we would count with your support."

"Why do you think we don't want you to date?"—Zayn says.

"Oh come on Zayn, we would break the band apart if it doesn't work out."

"Maybe, but you can't tell your heart what to do. If you love someone, go for them, don't worry about the consequences."

"That's so easy to say, but it's not at simple as it seems. Im not supposed to date any member of One Direction, especially Harry."—I enter the conversation.

"That's why we need your help."—Harry tells the boys.

"What do you want us to do?"—Louis asks.

"Help us find a solution for this mess."

Zayn walks closer to me and Harry.—"Guys, come on. Simon can't tell you who to date, he can't control your heart. Even though you have a contract, and I understand you can't break it, Simon doesn't have to know..."

"You mean we should secretly date?"

"It's not up to me but that's the best thing I think you guys can do. Anyway, no matter what happens, we'll be here for you, you know that."

"Aww thank you Zayn."—We 6 hug.—"I think you two should talk about this. Good night."

And they all left, leaving us alone.

We sit in the couch.—"E-em, so, what do you think we should do now?"—I said and looked directly to his green eyes.

—"I want to do it. As long as it's okay for you. I feel comfortable with you."
"Me too. Zayn it's right, we don't need the world to know we're together to feel like we're. I love you Harry, and i would do anything to be with you."
"Was it too much?"
"Maybe, but I love you too my Lily. Let's do it."

He grabs my face and kisses me slowly. I chuckle and break the kiss.

"I think I might go to sleep now. Thank you, it was an incredible night."—I give him a little kiss on the cheek, pick my heels from the floor and go upstairs to my room.

I'm about to enter my room. I opened the door but when i turned the lights on my heels fell down because of my startle. My 4 best friends were waiting impatiently there.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!"—I scream to the boys.

"We want to hear everything about your date! Tell us every detail..."

"Did he kiss you?"—Niall interrupts.

"Umm, yeah..."

"I told ya Louis HAHA. You owe me 20".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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