Chapter 8: True Feelings

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I've just fucked everything up.
Emma kissed me and I'm sure Lily thinks we have something. I like her, I really do and I'm not sure what can I do now. She saw everything, EVERYTHING, but it's just a misunderstanding, is it?
I need to solve all this shit because I can't lose her. Does she even like me? Probably not but that won't change my mind, I'll fight for her.
Do I tell the boys? Fuck why is it so complicated!?
What do i do?

"I need to go talk to her, Louis, she just... aghhh were is she?"
"Fuck Harry relax. Why would you care what she thinks of that kiss? You're not even.... Oh. You like her don't you? Then don't hook up with fans you idiot! Let's go find her."

"That has been the most incredible experience of my whole life"—I told Niall heading out backstage.

"It sure has. We've done concerts before but this felt..."


"Yeah"—He lied on the sofa and looked at me until I gave back the look.—"Can we talk?"

"Sure, what's up''

"What's up? Lily you kidding? The guy you like kissed someone else in front of you, you ran away and now act as if it is normal, apart from the fact that you haven't even looked at him during the concert... what's wrong?"

I had no words.

"Oh, yeah 'bout that."—my eyes were watering at this point—I... don't know Ni."

He hugged me.—Cry as much as you want... nobody's here. Even if I don't understand, you can talk to me. I love you so much, everything will be alright"



The hug lasted long.

"But it's not just him, Niall"—I continued.—Everything is so fucked up right now and I feel I'm losing everything, everybody."

"You won't lose me, or the boys. We're your family now."

"Sure. I feel the band is divided in two different sides because of me and Harry".

"Things are complicated now but that doesn't mean they won't get better".—He breaks the hug and looks into my eyes holding my face up with both hands.—I'll talk to the boys, but you should..."

"No. I won't talk to him".

"Okay, but you should Lily, for your friendship."

I didn't say anything.

"We should go to the tour bus now"—I finally said and reunited with the boys there.

(The next morning on the tour bus.)

I went to the kitchen next morning, i had to do something about all this. I decided to talk to the boys first, and then we will see what to do with the two others.

"Is Harry here?"—I said entering.

"No, he went out for a walk"—Louis said looking at me awkwardly, as if I did something.

"Great. And Lily? Is she here?

"She's still asleep"—Liam talked now.

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