1 : A moment

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"And here you are living despite it all "

There is a moment in every persons life which changes them, permanently.

For me that moment was the first time my father hit me. I was seven, my sister was five and my dad just came back from a business trip which he spent with his mistress.

My mum found out and they got into an argument, my mum stormed out for the whole night and left us alone with him. His first punch at me was at 10:37pm on the 3rd of December, I remember every single tiny detail and that was my weakness.

He came into my room intoxicated, shit talked my mum to me and when I didn't agree with him, he hit me. The next day he apologised said it would never happen again but it did, and it got worse.

It got especially worse when my mother left us, she left the week before Christmas. She said that she couldn't do it anymore, she couldn't stay. Even when I begged her to take me and my sister, she wouldn't. She didn't want us around her anymore, "you were my biggest mistake, I will never forgive myself for that" that was the last thing she said to me before she walked out of my life.

In some fucked up way since I have grown up I can see why she did it, why she left. But then I hear my ten year old screams as my father beat me, the image of what I looked like when I looked in the mirror and I could never imagine no matter how hard it was leaving your kids with a monster.

She never pressed charges against him, we never called the police because Hudson Beckett, the NHL's favrioute donor would never be put behind bars for a as long as he lived because of the connections he had and a hell load of money.

The teams love him for his continuous contributions, Fans respect and pity the man who could of had it all if it was not for his girlfriend who demanded he didn't leave her when she was pregnant, he was too old to join back into the league when the time came around. The man who should've been.

Teams were begging him to coach their players, I could hate the man all I wanted but I could not deny his natural ability in hockey, an ability he ruined. An ability I've gotten beatings for.

My father could do a million things to me but he could never touch my sister, Eve Beckett was the best part of my life for a large portion of it, She was right by my side, always. She would come to my hockey games, she helped me in bake sales for school, she tutored me in my final exams when I was struggling.

Eve Beckett was a lot of things but not one of them made her a bad person, she experienced a lot of our fathers wrath over the years but I was there to make sure she didn't experience the worst parts of it.

The first and last time our father laid his hands on her I was out with friends for the first time in three weeks, when I came home and went into eves room there was shattered glass everywhere.

When she looked up at me she was holding her bleeding hand and icing her eye, she kept on telling me that it was fine and that it was her fault but I gave into the rage and stormed down the stairs.

He dislocated my shoulder that night, because I shouted at him for hitting my sister, he dislocated my fucking shoulder.

Growing up I was certain on one thing, I would make it to the NHL and I would mark my place in the hall of fame, by myself. The side effects of being a hockey player came onto me very quickly after I joined the team, the popularity, the puck bunnies, the good graces.

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