12 : Stupid Gods

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"He smiled and all I could think was 'oh shit'"

Following Luke up the stairs was a shit idea, and I'm only realising that now.

I keep on telling myself it's because he looked stressed and I wanted to check if he was okay, because we are friends even though I have no fucking clue what I am doing.

I walk up the polished floorboards - whoever lives here is rich as hell -, I excuse myself from a crowd of people making out.

I'm about to step down a hallway when someone grabs my wrist, I immediately turn around and slam into a chest.

"Lizzie?" A voice says from above me,

"Levi?" I say registering his face,
"What are you doing here?" I ask as I look behind him and spot a few people staring at us,

"I'm just here with friends, you?"

"Yeah same, I'm sorry but I have to go find someone. I'll see you around" I say before walking off in the direction of the hallway.

I knock on the first door and when no one answers I jiggle with the handle and to my surprise it's open, I push open the door and immediately freeze.

The room is dark and I can barely pinpoint the noises but as I squint I notice a brunette girl laying in the foot of the bed, naked.

"Luke? Luke is that you?" She purrs, I remain quiet and frozen not knowing what the fuck to do. She could be mentioning another Luke, there have to be many Luke's at this party.

"Luke Beckett do not play spooky with me right now" okay so apparently she is talking about my... friend.

"Come fuck me like you promised" she purrs and with that I slam the door shut, absolutely traumatised.

Luke promised her he would have sex with her I realise, I suck in a breath.

"Lizzie?" A voice says from in front of me, a very familiar voice.

I look up and immediately regret all my life choices.

Luke is standing a few feet away from me with one eyebrow raised.

Oh god he is probably here to keep his promise, I feel heat rush up to my cheeks as I slowly start backing away eyeing him and the door I just slammed in the process.

Unfortunately for me he catches on pretty quickly to what I am doing so just as he is about to open his mouth to say something I run, I literally run.

I hear him shouting my name behind me and a door opening so I assume he went into the room with the naked girl, I'm so stupid.

He's Luke Beckett he flirts with everyone and has slept with half the female population.

I don't have feelings for him, we're friends, and my friends would kill me.

I squeeze my way through the crowd ignoring all the death glares I get from people, someone catches my wrist forcing me to turn and look at them.

"Hey you good Liz?" Joey a d-man on our team asks, I nod my head trying to get words out he gives me one last pointed look before letting me go.

Icebound Hearts Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora