32 : L O V E

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"Your soul is art."

Being alone with someone I never thought I would talk to again is not very pleasing. After Lizzie left to get drinks Gracie left to the bathroom shortly after leaving me alone with Logan West.

Knowing that if anyone on my team - even school - saw me right now I would be hated, and being the captain of the team I can't let that happen but I also can't let Lizzie down again. I refuse.

So if sitting in silence with Logan west will make her happy I'll do it.

Turning around to find Lizzie, I lock eyes with her at the bar. Her long blonde hair tucked behind her ears she beams at me as I continue to stare at her.

Fuck was I whipped.

If perfection had a face, a body, a voice-this girl would be it.

"Luke" Logan clears his throat from behind me, giving Lizzie a wink I turn my attention to him reluctantly.

"Hurt her-"

"I've already gotten this talk from your girlfriend, stay out of it West." I cut him off,

"What the fuck happened to us?" Logan asks surprising me, for the first time since I've known him an unknown emotions shows on his face for a split second.

I don't answer straight away because I don't know what to say, we used to be best friends. We rode our bikes to school together, played on the same team, we were inseparable. And then junior year came.

At the time the speculations of my fathers abuse where still floating around the internet and getting louder, I knew his dad didn't want me around him but that didn't stop him from continuing to hang out with me.

And then one day when I was going round to his house to hang out I overheard him arguing with his father about me, but he was defending me.

And for the first time in my life I couldn't believe someone had my back, that someone was defending me.

But he was getting punished for it, for being friends with me. At 16 I thought being punished meant something else, being beat.

And I couldn't bare the fact that the one person in the world who was there for me was going to be "beat" because of it.

So I stopped talking to him, blocked him on everything and ignored him at school. Sooner than later he gave up on me like I wanted him too, I let him hate me.

It didn't matter to me that I lost my best friend because all that mattered was that he wouldn't have to suffer like I did every damn day.

"Drifted" I shrug,

"Yeah, sure man." Logan replies not believing me for a second but thankfully dropping the conversation.

"Looks like someone is interested in your girl." He says while turning away back to the booth, I turn my head in time to catch sight of Lizzie talking to a tall lanky brunette guy.

I can tell by the way he stares down at her that he wants her, that he is consumed by her, he stares at her the way I do.

Jealousy boils up inside me at the thought of him making moves on her, taking long strides I make my way over to the bar settling behind Lizzie.

"-hang out sometime?" His eyes cut to mine and I take pleasure of seeing the flash of unease, I wrap a hand around Lizzie's waist possessively feeling her tense up but ease into me shortly after.

"She's good." I reply dryly wanting to kill this guy,

"Look man this is a private conversation, I don't know a lot about you but I do know that this isn't your territory." The guy has the nerve to say, I don't give two fucks about "unspoken" territory all I care about is getting this weasel away from my beautiful girlfriend.

"Levi-" of course his name is Levi though slimy retard fits him better,

Already agitated from the ulterior motives behind him I snap,

"A guy asking my future wife out on a date does regard me." I blurt out, Levi's eyes glance between the two of us and I slap myself mentally for letting the ball drop.

I know Lizzie wanted to ease it out in our own time and the fact that I've just told this stranger won't help that.

Muttering a goodbye Lizzie drags me by my wrist toward the exit of the building and I follow willingly. Before I have the chance to apologise Lizzie starts.

"You can't act like a jealous asshole every time a guy talks to me Luke!" She shouts,

"I'm sorry-"

"God - now people are going to spread rumours and your whole school is going to hate me and my whole school it going to hate me, and then we'll end up breaking up because you'll have to choose between your school and me-" she rambles not stopping once to breathe, cupping her face in my hands I turn her to look at me.

"You. I choose you every time." Her breaths slow down as she looks up at me, her doe eyes widen.

"You can't just fucking say that!" She shouts again getting frustrated, the snow pelting down on us.

"YOU CANT SAY THAT BECAUSE IT HURTS BECAUSE IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU, IM SO TRAGICALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU AND I CANT LOSE YOU" She shouts as I freeze, trying to process the fact that the woman I'm in love with loves me back.

That even after everything, with all my baggage, she still loves me.

"And I know you don't want to be loved but too bad so sad fucker, I love you. And you may not love me but that's fine because I love you enough for both of us." She says calming down, her hands moving in silly motions, her face pink with snowflakes in her hair.

This time though I get frustrated because I could not have made it more obvious to my devotion to her, the fact that everyone can see it but her.

"don't love you?! Are you fucking insane! My heart is so full of you I can hardly call it my own!" I shout stepping closer to her until our chests are touching.

"You make me want to live Elizabeth, not survive, not exist, live. I love you, I love you, I love you."

Her mouth crashes onto mine and suddenly once again we are tangled with each other, tangled hearts.

When we finally break apart the world around us stops, our eyes on each other like nothing else matters.

Her eyes full of stars.

Flaming so bright, the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire.

"You wanna stay over tonight?" I ask,




two chapters in one day written AND edited!!

I have an idea for my next book, it's a whole different story so I'm wondering if you guys would still like it?

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