15 : The ex boyfriend

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"Tears are words that need to be written"

"This is such a dumb movie" I groan bored at the Disney movie playing on the TV,

"You're just trying to look good for your reputation" she ticks at me before her attention turns back to Moana.

Ok, maybe this movie isn't that bad, but it definitely isn't amazing. If I have to listen to moana sing about how much she loves the ocean one more time I'm gonna lose it.

"It's so pretty" Lizzie whispers her eyes lighting up. We took off the face mask an hour ago - correction, she took hers off and helped me with mine - and we started watching the movie a little while after, so I'm guessing that it's probably around eleven now.

"What do you think your spirit animal is?" She blurts out turning to face me, a blush creeps onto her face when she realises I was already looking at her.

"I don't know, what do you think?" I say nudging her shoulder, she straightens her back and analyses me, at first I think that's she's just joking but then I realise she's being dead serious.

"I don't like feeling judged Elizabeth" I tease her as she returns to her place on my side leaning on my shoulder, I instinctively wrap an arm around her waist bringing her closer to me. Not close enough.

"You're like a shark" she replies her focus still on the movie,


"People portray them as the bad guys but in reality they're just sharks" My breath gets stuck in my throat as I look down at her, her perfect face, brown hazel eyes and plump lips, her golden wavy hair.

This girl has the biggest heart in this entire world and she continues to show me it, I would worship the ground she walked on if she let me, if nothing was in our way.

She notices my silence and turns her head to look up at me, her expression grows soft and a half smile forms on her lips.

"You are something else Lizzie Myers" I mumble,

"I know I'm pretty awesome" Awesome doesn't even begin to describe her.

"Hey don't you have to leave at 11:30" I frown as she takes a double take at her phone, but I still nod in response.

"It's already 12" I shoot up from my spot on the couch causing Lizzie to lose balance for a second before she regains her composure. I guess my time guessing skills need work.

"Shit I have to go, I'm sorry" I say as I grab my phone from the table and scroll through the texts from the hockey chat.

"No worries" she says and for a brief moment I swear I see disappointment wash over her,

"Lizzie I-" my words get cut off as I open the front door.

A tall scrawny looking guy is standing outside the door, he has dark purple eye bags and just by looking at him I can tell he is drunk.

He seems to compose himself as he takes me in and then slowly looking behind me, Lizzie comes up next to me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Jax?" She says, the name sounds familiar and it's not until a moment longer that I realise who he is, her ex.

I take another good look at the guy, sure he looks okay looking but come on, Lizzie went out with him when she could have anyone.

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