41 : Universes Apart

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"One day at a time."

"Are you not going to be a bit more happy to see me?!" Eli teases as I settle into the couch,

"Where's the old couch?" Wyatt frowns examining the rest of the house,

"Threw it out."

"You what?!" He yells,

"It had a rip in it" he holds up his hands and for the first time since he picked us up from the airport I see a glimpse of freshman Elijah.

"Oh you best believe I'm coming for you" Wyatt growls, slouching into the brand new couch next to me.

"Where's Adam? Thought he was going to pop by for your last trip before your season?" Eli asks turning towards me,

"He's visiting Vancouver in October so I'll see him then." I reply, taking a sip of my water to get rid of the funny feeling that sits in my throat.

This will be my last trip down here for a long time, since my first season with the Vipers start soon I won't be able to travel back so I decided to come back for a weekend.

Wyatt came as well and met up with me at the airport since his season with his new team starts soon as well. I watched over my screen as he got drafted, I was damn proud of him.

Deep down I knew that I didn't come back here for old time sake, I could barely stand being in the same country as my father. I came back because now I'm in the same town as her rather than a different fucking country.

I haven't got a lot of updates about her, I've asked Wyatt and Eli but they usually come back with the same response "Haven't talked to her this week", for fuck sake I've even asked Gracie but all I got back was a very aggressive message that read "Don't ask if you want to keep my number."

I feel like I'm drowning, everyone tells me I should be happy and this is the best experience of a lifetime. But I don't feel like that at all, my heart isn't in my possession anymore.

You're not dragging her down anymore.

That's what gets me going, that's what stops me from pressing her number and calling her.

"Have you talked to Lizzie since you're here?" Eli asks harmlessly, I stiffen.

"Look man, she deserves a hello or something. I get that you might not love her but-"

"Don't fucking go there. I'll sit here and listen to you talk about her like it doesn't fucking kill me but the minute you say I don't love her that's it-" I warn cutting him off, I narrow my eyes.

"Because I love that girl more than life, you have no idea how much she means to me. I love her so fucking much that it can't even be put into words, so don't fucking stand there and tell me I don't love her." I stand up keeping my glare on him,

The room goes silent, Wyatt casually scrolling on his phone while Eli stares at me wide eyed.

"I'm going to bring my bags to the guest room."

I stride towards the spare room, slamming the door shut once I'm inside.

I run my fingers through my hair, blowing out a shaky breath.

I've always felt like once someone sees me deep down, that's it. There's something ugly in there or unlovable, and somehow she was the only person who's ever made me feel like I'm okay.

A knock on my door startles me from my thoughts,

"Look I'm sorry, I know you love her. I'm just-I just know it's been hard for her." Eli says leaning against my doorframe,

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