26 : Haunted

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"I made you my temple, my mural, my sky "

"Sure you can. But let's be real Ev, you haven't come down here since freshman year." Luke says as I unconsciously tug down the shirt I'm wearing.

"Can we not talk about this now-"


"Nope I'm not having it, it's your birthday-" she cut him off -"Now Luke introduce me to this beautiful woman." She says her eyes turning to scam me as I shift under her gaze.

"Hi." I say shyly waving, Luke shifts closer to me wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Lizzie this is Eve, my little sister. Eve this is Lizzie, my girlfriend." Eves eyes go wide as Luke introduces me.

Her eyes assess the both of us and for a second I'm scared that she doesn't approve of me. My whole life I've had parents liking me, friends parents, boyfriends, I've had a good streak with parents and family.

The thought that Luke's sister might not like me stresses me out, I want to make a good impression with his sister, the one person in the world that's been there for him, for the kid he used to be.

"What in the world are you doing with a guy like him" Eve says breaking the silence and pulling me into a hug.

"Seriously though, I can set you up with some real fine guys." She winks as we break apart from the hug, Luke tightens his hold on me scowling at his sister.

"Funny." He deadpans,

"Just letting her know her options" she shrugs as she walks inside the house hooking her arm with mine leaving Luke behind us carrying her luggage.

"I think I'll stick with this option" I tease feeling Luke come up behind me, his veiny tattooed arms pulling me back into him as he nuzzles my neck kissing me.

"Absolutely disgusting" Eve gags as she drops herself onto the couch.

"Hey" Adam says seductively towards Eve as he drops down next to her,

"Fuck right off" Luke flips him off,

"Little Beckett what ya doing here!" Wyatt exclaims as he comes down the stairs, Adam goes wide eyed looking back from Eve to Luke who glares at him.

"Little Beckett huh?" Adam says cautiously putting a hand out as a peace offering,

"Eve actually, Piglet over here just has a way with objectifying girls" She glares at Wyatt who grins at her before focusing back on his phone as he slouches into "his" armchair.

"How long you staying for?" Luke asks releasing me to go into the kitchen,

"Leaving tomorrow." She says taking the orange juice out of Luke's hand giving him a glare.

"So what's the plan, you guys seem boring."

"We've got practice which reminds me Adam go wake up Eli-" Eve cuts him off raising an eyebrow "Eli?"


"So no party." She groans slumping more into the pillow, I watch the tiny little movement that goes unnoticed by the rest, Eves eyes rest on Wyatt for a moment longer watching him smile at something on his phone, a frown tugging the corners of her mouth.

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