20 : The Unwelcome Feeling

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"You are my Favrioute feeling."

"This was such a bad idea" I groan into my hand as me and Sofia walk up the familiar driveway, the music playing from inside escaping and loud graphic noises from behind a tree filling the air.


"No it wasn't. Hot guys, free drinks and a hell load of drama. Sounds like the best night ever." Sofia says skipping and I snort very unladylike.

When I told Sofia about Wyatt's birthday party I fully expected her to tell me it was a bad idea and that I should not go but obviously she didn't say that.

Instead she was fully on board, and I mean like fully. She went shopping for outfits for both of us while I was at work and she would not stop talking about how excited she was.

When I brought up how I thought it was a bad idea she waved me off saying "stop being such a pussy Liz, you can't ignore him forever."

Her comment left me,
One) Jaw dropped
Two) completely convinced that she has been spying on me

How freaking else is she meant to know that I've been avoiding the guy.

Which is exactly how I end up walking into a party full of Pembroke students, who all would probably jump me if they found out what school I got to.

Body heat is the first thing that I notice when I walk through the door following behind Sofia who has her head up.

It's followed by a foul stench of alcohol and the masses of people crowded in the house making me regret my outfit choice.

I swear I've already felt more people grope me while walking to the drink stand than I will in my entire life.

"I've never seen you around before blondie, where do you live?" A young scrawny looking guy asks as we approach the stand.

"In your dreams sweetheart." Sofia answers for me winking at him before promptly taking the drinks and leading me over to a corner in the crowded room.

"Wowza" I blow out looking around at the people around us, the flashing lights nearly blinding me.

"Yeah wowza." Sofia chuckles.

I pull down my black backless mini dress with my right hand while firmly holding my plastic cup in the other.

I turn to look at Sofia only to notice that her eyes are already on someone else who looks equally as interested in her, I watch as she bites her lip working her charm.

"What's your name princess?" The guy in question asks as he falls right into her trap,

"Sofi." She replies blandly like she's not just dying to get her hands on him and I don't blame her, the guy looks breathtakingly hot. His tall built frame paired with his dishelved brown hair and brown eyes make him look mysterious.

"Carson, wanna dance?" Carson winks, holy hell.

Sofia looks to me with eyebrows raised, I know she would stay with me if I asked her to making sure that I was safe but I don't want to hold her down no matter how much I hate her leaving.

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