31 : Double Dates

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"Do everything in love."

"You're gonna hate me for this" I say tugging onto my boyfriends muscular, veiny, tatted- and very hot - forearm, as we make our way through  the snow on the pavement.

"Very possible." He deadpans, adjusting the hem of my hoodie so it covers my head before he rests a hand on my lower back.

"So you know how Gracie knows about us now right." I say trying to act casual, ever since she found out that I was dating our rival schools captain she has been begging for details.


"And you know how she's graduating this year-" he sallows a hard gulp, the topic of graduating is not one that we usually discuss especially since we haven't talked about the fact that he is also graduating this year and most likely moving to another state after he gets drafted in June.

"Well I kind of owe her and she really wants to do a double date so...." I stroll off with my words, two pair of hands clamp onto my shoulders pushing me to face him as he narrows his eyes at me playfully.

"If I go in there and Gracie is in there with her boyfriend waiting for us, I might just die baby." He motions his head towards the direction of the small building with disco lights flashing.


"This was suppose to be our date night." Luke groans into my shoulder,

"I can't, my team will kill me if I'm seen with West."

"Please, I already told her you'd come." I pout, his eyes lock onto mine and his expression softens as he looks back at me.


"You are the absolute best!" I jump up kissing him on the lips before intertwining our fingers and dragging him towards the entrance of the bowling alley.

The smell of dust is the first thing I sense as we walk into the alley, the loud speakers playing and the flashing colourful lights coming into sense next.

In the corner of the building I spot Gracie and Logan sitting curled up, his chin resting on her shoulder as he whispers something into her ear.

"Hi!" I say walking up to them,

Gracie gets up first engulfing me in a warm hug which is then followed by Logan, I feel Luke's possessive presence behind me even before Gracie goes up to hug him.

The table goes silent as the two guys continue to stare down each other like they're some animals trying to piss to claim their territory.

I roll my eyes dragging Luke down into the booth with me,

"You're looking cute Liz" Gracie winks at me, I can feel my cheeks turn pink and they deepen as I lock eyes with Luke who wears a shimmering glint in his eyes with an 'I told you so' expression from our earlier conversation.

"How's the team going?" Logan says breaking the silence between Luke and him with a hard glare, Gracie shoves him in the ribs as he raises his eyes in a surrender.

"What?! You told me to make conversation!" He says wide eyed like a baby,

"Good, undefeated season so far. Can't say the same for you." Luke drawls an amused smile appearing on his face which Logan returns with a glare.

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