27 : Broken Birthday Boy

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"It's the connection we can't explain"

"What's up big guy" Eve says slapping my back as she strides into my room while I ice the bruise on my rib cage I got from practice.

"How was lunch?" I ask pushing her off me, she lands on the floor making a dramatic sound before plopping herself on my bed.

"Honestly I don't know how you bagged her, she's insanely perfect. I saw about ten guys checking her out."

I remain quiet my jaw tensing, my girl is beautiful it's no secret that other guys find her attractive and I don't blame them but it doesn't mean that I don't want to rip their eyes out.

"Okay gorilla no need to look so creepy, she's loyal as fuck." Eve chuckles fiddling with the text book on my bedside table.

"Why are you here Eve, what happened?" I say shutting the door to my room, Lizzie dropped Eve off an hour ago before heading back to her apartment to get ready and even though I trust the guys I can't have them overhear this.


"Was it him, did he come back-" I cut her off,
"Eve!" I yell,

"YES." She shouts back at me standing up, my breath gets stuck in my throat. A mix of emotions swirl up inside me, Fear.

No matter how old I get, no matter how many times I try to forget, the memories always come back to me. The fear of my father.

"When." I demand,

"He-he uh, he came three days ago. He found me." Her voice shakes while her body shivers,

"Tell me that isn't from him. Tell me." My voice that's meant to come out as a yell comes out shaky.

She doesn't say anything, a lone tear falling from her cheek onto the bruise on her arm.

"He got mad. It was my fault, he apologised and then left. Back to Chelsea I bet" Eve scoffs as she mentions our fathers new girlfriend.

"He's not a threat, he still has those anger issues." She adds forcing a laugh to come out of her.

"Son of a bitch!"
"I don't like the idea of us being so far apart-"

"Luke I'm not leaving, I'm not letting him control my life again. He won't come back, I came here because I need you, I needed my big brother to comfort me." She whispers,I make my way towards her as she grabs my chest heartbreaking sobs escaping her.

We stay like that for god knows how long, my arms cradling her close, like a mother cradling her child.

A quiet knock comes from the door followed by muffled voices, Eve breaks apart from me her smile weak as she walks towards the door.

I hear her talk with someone but I don't look at who, my eyes stay trained on the wall, I hear the door click shut and footsteps making there way towards me.

I shiver when a pair of warm hands cup my face turning me to look at the source, there she is.
My angel, my saviour, my Lizzie.

She looks perfect, her eyebrows are scrunched as she stares down at me with worry, her hands caressing my hair as I continue to stare at the wall.

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