☠︎︎🩺 two

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I stood beside the both of them, Aleksandr holding onto the leash to my collar excitedly. While he held Lucifer's hand in the other while leaning against him.

I wasn't sure what we were waiting for, but the longer we stayed here, the longer I began to regret this. Because I saw what Lucifer did to my human trainer.

Glancing down at Aleksandr for a moment, since he was my...the vampire who owns me now, I was confused as to what that makes Lucifer to me. They were clearly together, there was no way they weren't.

"You like what you see?"

I flinch, looking up at Lucifer who wasn't even looking at me. He was looking down at Aleksandr who was staring up into his eyes. The soft and loving smile for him slowly ceased to exist as his eyes set onto me.

I wasn't looking at him like that.

"I wasn't staring at him because of that." I found myself speaking, and I saw Lucifer glare at me.

Aleksandr looked at me, smiling at me as he tugged the collar playfully. It barely caused much of a reaction from me, but it was still irritating.

"You forgot to ask if you could speak." Aleksandr tells me slowly and politely. Only to purse his lips as he looks away from me. "At least, that's what Lucifer wishes he could tell you; but you're not his pet. You're mine. You don't have to ask me when to speak, just speak whenever."

I frown, noticing Lucifer look back forward without arguing. Except even I was shocked too. I have heard about how most vampires feel about their pets.

Needing them to ask when to speak, when to eat, to not stare for too long, to not become attached to them.

To have complete control over their pet, like some kind of toy.

"Why?" I found myself asking him.

Aleksandr was quick to look back up at me. That same lascivious smile came to his lips, but it was now filled with something creepy, "It makes it more fun."

I don't know what he meant by that, but I could tell Lucifer might've known. Because he instantly started to smile in amusement.

I faced back forward, becoming increasingly uncomfortable in their presence. In me looking away I see a black luxury car driving towards us now.

It arrived in front of us, Lucifer opening the door for Aleksandr. I was only following Aleksandr as I began to be led in by him knowingly or unknowingly pulling me along.

Only for Lucifer's hand to tighten on the leash, pulling on my neck slightly from how abrupt his action was. I had to keep myself from retaliating, hearing the way Aleksandr snickered at what Lucifer did to me.

I get in right after him though, sliding into the seat right across from the both of them.

The car began to start up and it began to drive away. Drive away from the place I have been trapped at for four years.

Again, in the end, my life ended up in someone else's hands. My life was never really my own in the first place.

I was always owned by someone. I haven't been free since I was twelve. My parents were killed, my brother taken from me, and then this continuous cycle.

That I ended by my own volition, so I can't blame anybody else but myself.

While I sat here, I saw the way Aleksandr murmured something quietly to Lucifer. His hand running through Aleksandr's hair sweetly. It didn't sound like English...and if I knew any better, it sounded a little Russian.

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