☠︎︎🩺 fourteen

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"I'm surprised you can even look at me so kindly after what I did to you." Elio mutters quietly, avoiding looking at me right now.

I was able to get him into a room so that we could talk, but his affinity towards such a thing was easily noticed.

"I'm not mad."

I looked down at Elio, holding onto his shoulders to keep him from running off. Though I knew he could easily escape if he truly wanted to.

"I don't regret kissing you and I'm not mad for you biting my lip. I haven't been able to speak to you ever since that incident. Aleksandr has kept me away from you by taking me to all these places for this stupid gala. Probably to mess with you." I explain with much insistence.

Elio doesn't say anything yet and I wondered if he was going to truly just...separate himself from me now. Since he's now drawn blood from me, kind of, he might feel like he's a danger to me.

When I'm not concerned about that whatsoever.

"I don't care about what he's trying to do to me. I was mainly concerned about you...but I see he continues to spoil you rotten."

"Not at all."

"Very much so." Elio quickly counters me, looking me up and down like I was crazy. "You are treated far better and much differently in comparison to all of the other pets who have passed through here. They all have died within a week to a couple months...and you're still alive, for now. I don't know anymore what they plan on doing to you, what they want to do to you... It's too confusing, this is all confusing and stress-inducing. How are you not exhausted?"

"Because, I have you."

When I said that, I could tell that changed the trajectory of the conversation. I know...in some ways, this may or may not be wrong of me. I'm not certain myself if I feel any type of way for him. It's...selfish of me to probably think like this and say what I am about to say, but I have to say it.

"If you wanted to kiss me again..." I grip his face, hovering my lips over his. I saw him look only at my lips as I could see how much he wanted to kiss me. "I wouldn't say no, I'd welcome it."

"Why? You are just randomly saying this. I don't get it." Elio shook his head, but I had to stay firm with this.

"I'm human..." I murmur, watching his eyes flicker back onto mine. "I have desires and things I want. I never...knew what I wanted or desired because I was always fighting to survive. I didn't have that luxury to...want anything. All I wanted was to survive, and that was all I could ask for - not want. Wanting something...someone, wasn't an option for me anymore."

Elio nods in understanding, still looking only into my eyes. My eyes soften on him as I move them onto my lips.

"This may be wrong of me to say...but I have kissed and done things with Aleksandr," I confess to him, seeing his eyes not waver from me, "but...it's not really what I want. I do want to do things that I do with him to someone I care for...I just don't know who."

I saw Elio's lips tighten together and I could feel my heart was beginning to race. I don't know if I have the right to ask this of him.

"I'm aware of your feelings for me... If you don't mind, could I alleviate my desires with you?"

"Desires for what?"

I frown, wondering what he means by that. He waited for me to say and I wasn't sure what to say.

"That desire came from somewhere. Did you...realize your desires once you were with Aleksandr?"

Now that I was thinking about it, kissing and pressing my body against another's didn't ever cross my mind often. I didn't think to do any of that...until I met Aleksandr.

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