☠︎︎🩺 twenty nine

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I stood before William, seeing him glaring at me. He didn't even try to calm himself now.

"All of my work...all of what you've done - useless!" William kicks his desk, and I was able to dodge it in time as it flew in my direction. Slamming against the wall, I saw him shake his head. "I gave you that chance. I let you try to have him this time, but he still ran back to him!"

"Are you...positive that Damon is his match?"

"Yes!" William shouts at me, looking at me like I was crazy for asking that. "He saw the actual past, not my version of it. He saw through my alteration. We thought Lucifer was his match, until I showed him that vision and he saw nothing. I knew...Lucifer wasn't it. I haven't seen Damon since back then...and I knew when I saw those gray eyes on Jerome, that Damon was born again. I just couldn't get him because Aleksandr somehow already reached him before me."

William's fingers went into his roots wildly, seeing his hair turn black again right before my eyes.

"He can't have him beside him, because if he does-."

"He will eventually learn what you did to his match back then...and Damon will become the ruin of you, just like he almost did back then." I sigh, lowering my head. "It's already beginning to happen."

I heard my dad screaming, tossing stuff around as I just stood there.

"And you...you took him right out of my grip right when I could've killed him right then and there." My dad points at me, his finger trembling as I look away. "Why?!"

"I..." I falter, my lips tightening together. When I look back at him he was close in my face, and I could tell he wanted his answer badly. Because what I did...saving Damon...is completely against his initiative.

"You can't answer, can you?" He asks me softly, and I shook my head. "Well, I can answer for you. You took him away because you fell in love with him. I let you...try and try you did, you almost accomplished what you wanted; but a match is a match. I told you back then to now, a match is perfectly made to the other. He...was never going to truly love you, I told you!"

William steps back, shaking his head at me.

"But you wanted to try, you wanted to prove me wrong. Except I know these things, I was born knowing all there is to now about these things! Your grandfather is my match and no one else! And yet, he has yet to be reborn. You know why-?!"

"Because the last one to bite him was you. You...'killed' him, so he won't be reborn - I know-."

"But I killed Damon! I killed him back then and yet, he was still reborn! And you know why, because Aleksandr wasn't the one to do it! If I had just let him die back then, he would've been reborn!" William shrieks, stepping back from me as he started kicking things around again.

I was already aware...that my dad only had a child with Benjamin's daughter was because she was related to him. Benjamin is my grandfather, and my mom was a human when she had me. She died giving birth to me, but William didn't care.

It was just the fact...that I was a part of Benjamin.

"Even if you killed Damon," I start, William stopping him in his rampage, "He would've been reborn eventually. Aleksandr would've found him and this would've all just happened again-."

"No, you ignorant child," William interrupts me harshly, "Aleksandr...was broken. This was all going accordingly. I told him lies about Damon, I brought Damon here, I broke his leg so that Aleksandr would interfere, he was taken back, and I already knew that he'd give him that ultimatum to leave. I knew Damon wouldn't actually leave and that he'd go back, I was going to kill him here because Aleksandr would've thought he left for good - he would've never guessed where he was and now you-!"

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