Chapter 17

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I then see William coming towards the hall. I wanted to tell Caleb that I was not stealing money but it doesn’t matter. Even if it was not money, it doesn’t mean that I was not stealing something. Then they will ask why I wanted to steal so many painkillers and so on.. So better to be silent.

“So how are you, my angel?” he says, approaching me.

I just nod and mumble “Okay

“Angel, I know you would be disturbed by last night’s events. How about we go out for lunch today? And then I can take you shopping! What are your thoughts on this?” he offers, crouching towards me.

I.. I don’t want to go outside. Please!” I request.

Okay then we can spend some time in our home’s cafe.” he says.

“Home Cafe?” I ask quietly.

“Yeah angel come with me!” He guides me in a direction towards the garden.

I follow him and we pass through the beautiful garde. The sunlight was hitting the statues and the water in the fountains was sparkling in it.

The morning sunlight filters through the lush greenery, casting a warm, golden glow on the path we traverse. As we approach, a symphony of birdsong serenades us.

The café, adorned with climbing vines and whimsical flowers, appears like a storybook haven. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet notes of pastries lure them closer. A cobbled pathway, lined with wildflowers, guides them to the entrance.

The entrance, adorned with a charming wooden door, creaks open as they step inside. The interior is a blend of rustic charm and timeless elegance. Vintage-inspired furniture, adorned with soft cushions and floral patterns, invites them to linger. The soft hum of classical music playing in the background adds to the enchanting atmosphere.

Large windows allow the sunlight to stream in, illuminating the room with a cozy radiance. There are shelves filled with well-worn books, potted plants, and dainty trinkets. The air is infused with the comforting scent of vanilla and lavender.

William chose a table near a sunlit window overlooking the sprawling garden. The menu, handwritten on a beautiful paper, offers an array of artisanal teas, freshly baked scones, and delectable pastries.

A friendly barista, donned in a vintage apron, welcomes them with a warm smile.

“Is this a real cafe?” I ask hesitantly yet surprised.

“No, it’s not like that angel. It’s only accessible to the residents of this mansion. Nobody else can enter here. Actually, even we don’t come here due to the lack of time but when we were kids, we used to come here with mom almost every week”

“Mom?” my eyes flickered with curiosity.

“Yes angel, mom used to live with us till you were almost 4. I was 14 then. I still remember your childhood. How cute you were and how everybody loved you. But the person who loved you the most wa..s…”

Oh wow so you guys are enjoying without Caleb hmm?” he interjects with a knowing smile.

"Please, have a seat! I've requested a Ristretto Romano for myself and an Espresso Macchiato Affogato for Alessia. Feel free to let the barista know your preference," William suggests, directing his gaze toward Caleb.

“Sono venuto qui per informarti che Vincint ha bisogno di te alla base tra 2 ore” Caleb replies while sitting.

Translation: I came here to inform you that Vincint needs you at the base in 2 hours.

“Okay” William replies.

We have our drinks (coffees) with us now. Colorful butterflies flit about, and the distant melody of a bubbling fountain adds a soothing touch.

This enchanting cottagecore cafe becomes a haven where time seems to slow down, inviting us to savor the beauty of the moment.

So what were you guys talking about?” Caleb smiles.

“I was telling her about this cafe of ours! And a little bit of history.”

I hope you don’t talk about the history in front of others, especially Xander. He would never tolerate it, you know he hates Caterina the most.. Well we all do.. Don’t we?” Caleb replies in a serious and angry tone.

“You hate my mom. Why?” I asked with a surprise.

“Angel, she went away with you even when dad wanted her to stay. I know it was for your safety but still.. Dad always thought you would not be safe out there. He was always worried about you. I don’t know why he thought so” William says.

Why do they hate the only person I loved? What an irony. And from what did she want me to keep safe? I think being a prostitute was better than the life I had. Even now I am not free. I don’t know who the next person will be after Sir Leo? At Least the prostitutes can choose sometimes.

Safe from what?” I asked.

They both looked at each other in silence. I didn’t ask again. After a while Caleb receives a call. He talked in another language and then hung up.

“I guess you are running late William. Sorry Angel but William had to go to a meeting this morning. He forgot to tell you I think..”

I nod and William stands up “Okay angel, goodbye. I will be back at night. I hope you will Enjoy your day!”

After that he went away.

How was your time with Mia?” Caleb asks.

“It was Good. I think you all love her alot.” I replied.

I have talked so much today that I can’t believe it. But as soon as this question was asked, all my temporary calmness went away.. For a while, conversing with Sir William seemed to suspend my pain and anxiety… Or maybe only William. I don’t know why but I don’t feel like calling him SIR anymore. He presented himself as a genuinely kind person.  I know I am a fool and I trust any person who gives me even a slightest of kindness. But I can’t help myself.

Yes, your observation is accurate. Mia holds a special place in all our hearts, especially given her status as the sole daughter after your departure. So whenever she came here, we always saw you inside her. We tried to fill the space a little. But still it could never be filled. She shares a particularly close bond with both me and Dante, especially Dante because of their similar likes, dislikes and hobbies when we were kids. Despite any perceived bluntness yesterday, I assure you her intentions were not malevolent. Mia has a brother, and there's a possibility he might also pay you a visit” he smiles.

I just shrugged.

“I believe it's time to return indoors, Alessia. It has been over an hour,” he said and I just followed him all the way back to the inside of the mansion as I couldn’t remember any paths on my own.

Sorry for a late update guys.. I'm very busy these days.. I hope you understand! ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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