Chapter 14

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My father managed to haunt my dreams the past few days. Every time I closed my eyes, my head would conjure up images of when he forced his powers onto me. Even worse, my mother's screams tore me away from a peaceful slumber. And those shadows that were from my doing were always lurking, scratching and tearing away at me.

Furthermore, I would make up an image of Khiry, Uncle Zaffryn, and my mother locking me away in a dark room. Their voices would carry over the door that divided us. I would hear their whispers, but I could never make out exactly what they were saying. And each time I crept closer to the door, I was pushed back by an invisible force; and an evil voice would cackle at the expense of my pride. Every time I'd scream dark, chilling shouts, the door would remain shut, and my family refused to open it. Leaving me vulnerable to myself and the terror that roomed with me.

I'd awaken covered in sweat and hyperventilating. My stomach would turn at the thought of the nightmares, but I never spat anything out.

Selfish enough, I found myself angry at even dreaming up those memories. I was the one betrayed and yet I'm the one who was being mentally punished for it. My life turned out to be a lie and I was sure of absolutely nothing. It felt as though the steps I've walked my entire life collapsed from underneath me.

I still couldn't understand it all, even if I tried to make sense of it. The people I called family kept me from the ultimate truth: my father. Of course, I was curious as to who my father was, but I never dwelled on the thought long. I've only ever asked my uncle once, and that was thrown in my face when my mother reprimanded me about even attempting to know about her "romantic relationships." But my uncle ridiculed her for even trying to hide the fact. She did manage to explain to me that my father was a good man, but he had to leave to fulfill some responsibilities he had.

It annoyed me that her recollection was an understatement. His responsibilities were to the damned throne, and she knew it all too well yet refused to let me in on it.

My brother, however, always avoided the topic. When he did speak on it, he never let on too much. Matter of fact, he'd never speak ill of our father. He'd encourage the idea that our father was a good man who couldn't handle a large load; that I shouldn't feel too discouraged about the thought of never knowing who he was.

I wondered if Khiry regretted his statements when we came to face our father. His Highness was cruel and unforgiving. He seemed to loathe the fact that we were of kin to him. Even when we stood before him, the king didn't feel familiar. He was a ghost of the man that once loved my mother, or that's what I told myself. There wasn't a possibility that my mother would have a man like him father both her children.

Gods, what else could I have done? I acted like I didn't want to care about my absent parent, and now I wish I pushed harder for the truth.

I wished I could meet them and ask all the questions I've been pondering over. I wanted to know why I wasn't allowed to know about the identity of my father. There was also a need for an explanation about Khiry having known he wielded powers.

Divine Essence.

Truly the name rang with a sense of honest and light capabilities. In truth, his powers resonated with him as a person. It brought a light within the darkness, and Khiry was never known to be gloomy. His name from the Long Language meant the Light within, alike to the Star. My brother was an individual who valued everyone and kept an open mind. He was my mother's pride and joy.

I, on the other hand, gave the impression of a grim attitude and impatient manner. The power my father called "Shadow's Call" was one of horror and terror. It brought out creatures that meant harm.

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