Chapter 1

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I wish I could smash the damned pot against Alessia's forehead. It would be an amazing sight to see her wretched head all banged up. For all she did was yap on about anything and everything. Too loudly. Of all the places the girl could have chosen, she decided on the herb shop my mother owned. Her and her greedy little followers had stepped foot into the shop moments ago. Their conversation had gone on far longer than I welcomed. Even if I had the choice to walk away from the whole encounter going on in front of me, it couldn't be far enough away.

As much as I tried ignoring Alessia talking about the Throne Trials, it was proving to be hard. From where I sat, I could only make out the faintest of what was being said. Twenty-seven cities were announced, leaving only three remaining. I could hear Alessia, and those surrounding her, going off about the trials.

Throne Trials.

I gave a disgusted look at the mention of the damned thing. Yet another game created by those in charge of the crown. If anything, it was another little show of entertainment that amused the rich and left the young and poor evermore bare. I could never find myself enjoying the announcement of a game that ended in brutal murder. Especially that of consent. It was a putrid tradition that need not exist anymore. Except, I was the only one who thought so. For every coming year that the trials were announced, it was like the entire kingdom came alive. Every shop owner, butcher, parent, child, and especially tax collectors, kept themselves excited at the mention of the Throne Trials. For every block and shop you entered, someone was steadily rambling on about the trials, betting on the winning stryke.

I couldn't comprehend the excitement it brought about. It seemed as though I was the only person who thought mass murder was a horrific thing. Now, if I ever got the courage to bring up my opinion, it would be regarded as such. Furthermore, if I tried to dissuade the masses from finding joy in it, the words foreigner would be all of what I hear. The best I could do is ignore the excitement and go about my life.

"King Vetru of the Kirovan Kingdom already drew the name of a city," announced Alessia, a slender girl with soft features.

She was the epitome of beauty within the walls of Syrone. She had the fair skin, bright autumn eyes, and thick locks of dark auburn which cascaded down her back. She was a deep contrast to me. Where she was fair skinned with autumn eyes, my skin was bronzed with dark eyes to match, and my hair just shy of midnight black. I wouldn't have given mind to the obvious fact, if not for Alessia always stating it. Yet another reason I should bang her head against the pot.

The girl's face cringed as she continued to ramble on about the city. "The city of Abani was drawn. The last time they were in the trials they had a certain Stryke winning for the Kirovan throne, but when a scandal was reported, she was removed immediately. Stryke Bethans shall always be remembered as the one who lost gold."

Supposedly she had been sleeping with one of Kirovan's elite soldiers. It's been thirty years and rumors still go on about the old stryke. It's believed that she's still with that soldier and they had a family. If not for her union with the Kirovan soldier, Bethans would have won the trials, and taken the crown. I didn't blame the woman. If anything, I believe she knew what would happen to her if she bedded an elite soldier. I could almost pity her.

"I think the Jubilan Kingdom is going to make it as the Golden Kingdom this time," Alessia claimed.

"Why," I overheard. As much as I despised the trials, my curiosity couldn't be kept. I leaned forward a bit as I readied a bag of herbs and handed it to Alessia.

Alessia shrugged and put away the small sack in her bag. She tossed her hair back and gave her follower a bored expression. "Have you heard of their candidates? They are said to be exact replicas of the ones who got their kingdom to be Golden, a hundred years ago." She glanced down at her nails. "Like the candidate with the different colored eyes, he's going to be a final stryke. I just know it."

"That's impossible," I contradicted, without a second thought. "The drawings are to ensure that there is no pattern in the system."

No sooner had I opened my mouth Alessia gave a short glance in my direction. Her eyebrows arose with slight scrutiny. Her group of three all gave me the same glare. I was sure then that not even the Mentioned Gods could've saved me from this embarrassment.

Just as she was going to reply, the clock on the other end of the counter chimed, indicating the end of my shift, but Khiry had yet to return from wherever he ran off to. Alessia noticed my frown and got up from her seat. Her skirt swiftly followed her movements as she took steps to gather her things. Her followers never missed a beat.

"I'm going to be on my way," she said. "Thanks for getting the herbs for me, Nesrin. It's been a rough couple of days, you know?" I nodded my head as I watched her exit our store. She and her group soon mixed in with the rest of the limp crowd outside.

"Ma," I called out.

A few seconds later I heard her yell, "In the back room."

I made my way to the room. My mother was bent over her make-shift table as she examined the herbs laid out in front of her. She was placing them in organized categories of how they work. Her dark skin was glowing as she did her work, dark hair falling before her eyes. She barely glanced back at me when I entered the room.

"It's time for closing."

"Have your brother help clean up. We should be on our way home soon enough." She waved me off without much of a glance. She turned when she realized I was still standing in the doorway.

I heaved a sigh of annoyance. "He's still out," I told her. "I'm going to find him."

She nodded her head before focusing on the plants once again. "Go ahead, you know the drill. Make sure he isn't getting into any trouble again."

I didn't bother to reply as I grabbed my headwrap because we both knew he was doing something that was getting him into some deep trouble.

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