Pulling up at the house Harley hops out I unbuckle and climb over holding my necklace tightly in my hand, I run to the door and open it finding Momma with the lady whose eyes look at me completely as Croc sits off to the side.

Running in I climb on the couch by him leaning on his side "Harley got me a necklace" I say
holding it in front of him smiling.

"You're sure she's not his child?" The lady asks I frown looking at "I thought you couldn't see lady" I say not noticing I sound similar to Harley.

"I couldn't but your mom fixed it," she says frowning.

"How'd ya have that already Red?" Harley asks sitting by Momma.

"The time Joker blinded you with that slime stuff that was temporary, I started working on
that in case it wasn't," momma says waving Harley off.

"Awe knew you cared Red" Harley says hugging Momma kissing her cheek "Ain't she just
the sweetest".

I giggle leaning on Croc poking his scales "Mines not hard like yours why?" I ask.

"Don't know," he says lifting me by my shirt and sitting me on the ground in front of him "This is Lyric, my cousin," he says to me.

I smile at Lyric "Hi" I say waving with my necklace "Oh momma I met Harley's friend Grace" I say bouncing over to her.

She looks at Harley raising her brow "A girl I knew in college" Harley says looking away from Momma.

"Really you did how was it?" She asks looking at me.

"She's nice, I hid behind the counter when Harley scared the rude lady who was yelling at Grace," I say not noticing Harley shaking her head no.

Momma glares at her "I didn't do anything Red honest, just told her she should be nicer to people" Harley says laughing nervously.

"Momma look," I say moving my necklace in front of her she sighs looking at me then the necklace "Very pretty flower," she says hugging me.

"I'm going to take Lyric home and maybe catch up a while," Croc says leaving, I wave to them before cuddling up to Momma.

a week later

Waking up I rush to momma's room jumping on her bed and wiggle my way between her and
Harley "Momma can we do something today?" I ask poking her nose.

"Like what?" She mumbles.

"Don't know I'm bored and Uncle Croc stays over at Lyric's a lot now".

"Sure we can figure out something".

"Park" Harley says yawning.

I nod looking at Momma "Please?"

Momma nods getting up "Sure let's get you fed then we can go".

I squeal rolling over Harley onto the floor peeking over the bed I see Harley stretch out over the bed on her back, snoring loudly I giggle rushing to catch up with momma.

Climbing in my chair I look at the fruit placed in front of me as momma works on cooking.

"I'll be glad when Selina gets her," she says putting breakfast and the pan in the trash.

I frown looking in it and seeing meat that's black and stuck to the pan "Go get dressed, I'll get Harley up we can get breakfast somewhere".

Running to my room I quickly dress grabbing my brush and hair ties I run to momma's room, seeing Harley getting dressed I hold them up to momma.

She nods quickly doing my hair "Okay let's go get you two some breakfast" she says leading us out while grabbing the bowl of fruit and eating some.

Once on the road momma hands the bowl to me while Harley drives, I smile eating a strawberry as Harley pulls up to a drive-thru ordering sandwiches.

I hum kicking my feet slightly as we wait at the window.

Seeing it open I bounce watching Harley pay and hand the big bag to momma, who sits it in the middle leaning forward I slowly pull it back and reach in.

Momma grabs the bag looking at me "No Pansy" she says moving it to her lap.

I panic remembering how he ate in front of me tossing what he didn't want on the floor, if I tried to grab it while he was in the room he would kick me away from it telling me no.

I suck in a big breath and scream diving forward grabbing the bag kicking Harley in the process while grabbing what Harley was holding, they both scream and everything feels so slow then fast, I'm laying on the ground as everything feels fuzzy then numb I cry looking for momma.

I see Harley slowly getting up holding her head swaying, momma comes over to me stopping me from looking around "fuck, don't move baby stay still".

I whimper seeing momma's skin isn't green and she has freckles "It's okay baby, but people will come we have to stay hidden let me do the talking okay".

I whine hearing sirens coming "It's okay, just don't move, momma has everything covered".

"Not going back to that place please, I'm sorry momma" I whisper crying.

"You're not going back I promise, you need to listen to momma and Harley so we can get out of this safely," she says kissing my forehead.

I flinch seeing people come rushing up and scream seeing a curly brown-haired man with face hair "No not him, momma please" I scream.

Harley comes over blocking the guy "She has PTSD, men scare her please let the woman handle her".

The guy steps away as I cry with momma holding me down "Hey it's okay" I scream snapping at who touched me making the woman jump back screaming.

"What is that?" she screams.

"She's metahuman her father was a scientist, he went insane and ran away with her to use her for experiments. She was just recently reunited with her mom" Harley says sounding different.

"Who are you to the child?" The woman says ignoring me.

"Her aunt and therapist now be professional," Harley says harshly.

I'm eventually put on a bed and rolled into a big van with Harley sitting in the seats by me and momma by her holding my hand "Do you know anything that could impact her care?"

"She's got plant and reptile DNA, she heal quickly, she scraped her knees a few days ago and was healed the next day" momma says.

I whimper as Momma answers questions being taken out I'm pushed into a cold building I
hiss squeezing momma's hand "Cold momma" I cry seeing it's all white but I feel too sleepy.

Waking up I look around frowning as I see we are not in the white area and I'm warm, while feeling something heavy on my leg and arm.

I feel and hear momma breathing heavily and myself being bounced around I grunt hearing pounding on wood.

A light comes on and I hear a voice I know speaking, I'm placed on a couch seeing Grace above me tilting my head back to look at her ".. happened?"

I frown trying to understand what's going on "...wrecked....ran...hosp...."

I whine lifting my arm seeing it wrapped in a hard thing, I grunt tugging at it with my free hand while trying to bite it growling.

"Flower stop it has to stay on" I grunt looking at momma as she has a hand on my forehead the other holding my arm down.

"Hungry" I mumble.

Momma nods looking to Grace I laugh seeing her "Gracie".

She smiles at me "What are you hungry for cutie?" she says squatting in front of me "Pissa" I
slur leaning forward to her.

She nods leaving, I pout looking around seeing Harley on the phone talking.

"Pansy" I jerk around looking at momma.

"Why did you freak out over the food?" She asks.

"He wouldn't give me food only stuff left on his plate he didn't want, he dumped it on the floor. I couldn't eat if he was in the room he would kick me away" I mumble looking away from her.

"Flower I would never keep you from eating but it was too hot, I thought we could eat in the park so it could cool down".

"I'm sorry momma" I said sniffling.

"Okay Kitty says she will handle this situation but, we need to stay low for a few weeks," Harley says coming in.

Momma nods as Gracie comes in setting a big pizza down, I growl trying to grab it only for Momma to stop me giving me a slice.

I growl ripping into the pizza eating fast when I finish I jerk back with hiccups.

Grace chuckles pushing a cup of water to me "ate too fast cutie, I don't think you're mom or aunt would keep food away, let's try eating slowly this time" she says smiling at me putting another slice in front of me, her smiles like momma, Aunt Harley, and Aunt Kitty it's so pretty, makes me feel happy and safe.

I nod smiling at her when Aunt Harley grabs my leg with the weird thingy on it writing happily.

"There you go Pans I signed it," she says laughing.

"What's it?" I grunt glaring at it.

"It keeps your bones in place while they heal since you broke them".

"Don't like it" I mumble.

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