Looking around I press my drink to mom's free arm till she takes it "down please" I say smiling at her.

Getting put down I take my drink back moving to the window watching Giganta walking threw the trees towering over them, she keeps moving the leaves around looking threw them before moving on to another.

"What's she doing to the pretty trees?" I ask pointing at her.

"Looking for something she probably needs for something she's making" Cheetah answers.

Nodding I glance around seeing Queenie talking to Diana, smiling I tap the window getting her attention before sticking my tongue out at her.

Diana raises her brow looking at me before running at the window taping it lightly "don't tap the glass Diana you will startle the insane mortals" Queenie say smirking.

Huffing I poke the window at her "Momma comes back from the dead like plants so I will too, that means I'll be around forever to bother you both Princess" I hiss.

"As if I would fear the words of a child" she says chuckling.

Jumping out of the window after opening it I stomp to stand in front of her, sitting my drink down before pulling vines around my arms like whips "say that to my face Queenie" I grunt smirking at her.

She hums looking at me like she's bored "that will only help you as long as a plant is nearby how will you fight when it's unavailable or needs help to grow so you can use it? That's a weakness in a fight".

Frowning I look at Mom in the window watching me "you need to learn how to fight without them" Cheetah say.

Looking around I frown more seeing others watching us before seeing two women come up holding out wooden swords they hand to each of us I hold it confused.

"We will use these for practice till you have an understanding of how to handle them" she says calmly before lifting hers and curling her fingers in a come here motion.

"Try not to touch anyone Pansy" Mom says smiling at me.

Nodding I run towards Queenie swinging the sward widely ending with her kicking it from my hand while side stepping me, hitting the ground I scramble up looking around.

She chuckles kicking it back to me "use your plants if you want but you will learn defeat".

Grunting I pull a vine around me using it like a whip "you are connected to plants, they are a strength and weakness" she says hitting my vine making me grunt.

"You feel what it feels that will distract you" she adds pinning it underneath her foot twisting it slightly.

I hiss feeling my eyes water up before she suddenly slams her sword threw it making me cry out in pain.

"Release the vine" she orders.

Shaking my head I try to pull it free without hurting it more "release it and I will let you help it" she orders.

Looking up at her I study her eyes before letting it go she nods pulling the sword out and I quickly move to heal it before cradling it in my arms.

"Your strength and weakness, we will ensure you can protect yourself without them your powers are a gift meant to help them but they can be used to hurt you, when you leave here you will be able to control your emotions and instincts"

One month later

Running into the tree home Mom made us I squeal jumping between Aunt Harley and Aunt Kitty hugging them both "you're safe now" I say happily.

They chuckle hugging me back "Momma's giving a few Amazon's it to so they can help me train".

Getting off them I smile seeing them both holding something behind their backs "we will be training you too" they say before holding a bat and whip out to me.

Smiling I take them looking them over "can we go once I finish with Queenie's lessons?" I ask.

"Yes but remember Tawney is supposed to be brought out here to interview you" Kitty warns.

Nodding I turn rushing out to reach the training room, running in I place my new stuff beside my training sword and sit down on the ground waiting.

Hearing the door open I keep facing ahead of me "do you know the most fascinating thing about the old God's and Goddesses?"

"They are immortal" I say unsurely.

"Correct they may vanish and stop existing because no one believes in them anymore but they are around, unseen, watching, they have been known to choose people they find worthy of gifts from them"

"That's neat" I say smiling.

"Every Amazon spends time finding who they are chosen by once they find this they dedicate to fight in their honor, to change things for them"

"How do they know if they found them?" I ask confused.

"They are gifted a weapon from the god or goddess"

Nodding I look up at her "how do you do that?" I ask.

"Meditation, when you have completed this you're training will advance"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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