Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and the Claiming

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----New York----

Inside a corporate office, Atsuomi Kiyotaka finished a meeting with potential investors. However, it was cut short when the man could feel an eerie presence fast approaching. A presence began to materialize into a lady, taking one of the board's seats. 

Atsuomi: We can wrap this up for now. I need to take an important call. 

Investors: Then we'll leave the room. Call us back in when you're ready. 

He nodded. 

Atsuomi: Thank you.

With everyone outside aside from the politician, he finally addressed the elephant in the room. 

Atsuomi: What are you doing here? You have some nerve after the stunt you pulled in California. You agreed to lay off our son until he was of legal age. Do you have anything to say about going back on your promise?

The lady, revealing herself to be the mistress of the mist, smiled slightly and met her ex's eyes.  

Hecate: If you wanted to bind me on my word, you should have made me swear on the River of Styx. But you weren't in tune with our religion at that point. And even so, you aren't a saint in the matter. Why would I stand by and watch as you worked to make our child a vessel for Kronos?

Atsuomi sighed. 

Atsuomi: Is that what this is all about? Follower of Kronos, vessel of Kronos... what difference does it make? Either way, his existence is to further our master's agenda. 

Hecate: There's no reason to support a rebellion if my son isn't allowed to share in the spoils of war. Before I went behind your back, you went behind mine. It only seemed right he should reach that safe-haven Camp Half-Blood represents. 

Atsuomi: The plan was simple: in two years, he would be ripe enough for Kronos to inhabit, without even needing the curse of Achilles. Once he fully manifested in the physical world, and we gathered enough forces, we could plan a strategic attack. But now, that plan has been thrown out the window by your actions. Some would even call it treason. 

Hecate: A Mortal telling me what treason is? Don't make me laugh. You've already turned on your own kind by indulging in Kronos' orders. Hypocrisy runs rampant with you all, doesn't it? 

Atsuomi: So, what now? With you foiling my plans, Kronos also lost his host.

Hecate: Who said there's only one suitable candidate? Your little side project created a perfect human with genius-level intellect. Wouldn't Kronos prefer to have him on his side rather than waste him as a vessel. For what he needs to accomplish, he doesn't need perfect just adequate. Let Kronos choose his devoted believer. 

Atsuomi: And how does Kiyotaka decide on his own to support Kronos? He won't be doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He wasn't programmed for that. 

Hecate: In all sincerity, I've thought about things more clearly than you have. 

Atsuomi: I don't follow. 

Hecate: From the very beginning, my goal has been to establish Kiyotaka as one of Kronos' most useful believers. He's not corrupted by any notion of emotions or feelings unlike other demigods. Their growing resentment over their life's circumstances and lack of control has already done wonders for Kronos, allowing temptation to creep in. Kronos doesn't need a perfect vessel; he needs an incredibly obedient vessel. And such a vessel can only be manipulated into obeying through preying on such indifference.   

Atsuomi: Do you know, in advance, what demigod he plans to tempt? 

Hecate smiled lightly. 

Hecate: It won't be long till he is ripe for a voice of reason in the midst of desperation.

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