Chapter 8: Roster Revelation pt. 2

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I'm tired. As I look at myself in the mirror I can notice how tired I truly am. The daily cups of coffee and red bulls that I've been consuming cannot have been fooling anyone.

The past few weeks have been extremely busy, and as soon as I come home, and think that I can finally go to sleep, my phone rings, and there are Kyla and Bryn wanting to hang out, and I can't ditch friends that I just met so of course I go. I spend all night with them, only to finally come back home and get a text from Miranda to edit certain pictures for posting. It's exhausting, but it's preseason, and now preseason is officially over. Breath Brooks you got through the hard part. All that's left now is the Rookie party, to congratulate all the new guys, and welcome them to the team. I didn't want to go, and technically they don't need a photographer at the event so I don't have to go, but Brayden happens to be one of those rookies. So I am currently sitting cross legged in my sink, putting on my makeup to try and hide the fact that I am completely and totally exhausted.

While I am putting on my mascara, my apartment door opens, and Kyla and Bryn come walking in in their pajamas.

"Hey B!" Bryn yells from my living room flopping down on the couch.

"Hey!" I call out from my bathroom. "Thank god you guys are here I need help with my outfit".

"Outfit?" Kyla questions while plopping herself down next to Bryn.

"Duh Kyla, where have you been! She has that date tonight with Mr. Hot" Bryn reminds our friend while slapping her in the shoulder.

"It is not a date. It is a party, and everyone from the team will be there" I chime in from the bathroom. "Plus I don't need commentary from the peanut gallery. I need outfit ideas!"

"Oh calm down!" Bryn stands up and makes her way to her closet. "Now are we going slutty, or... who am I kidding. Slutty is always the answer"

"No Bryn! I need to stay professional... okay a little slutty, but mostly professional. Like I said, the whole team is going to be there, including my boss" I argued from my spot in the sink, finishing the last of my makeup.

While Bryn rummages through my clothing, I can see Kyla continuing to sit on the couch, starting at her feet, through the reflection in the mirror.

"Kyles? What's going on?" I question, while making my way to the bed. Kyla has always been more introverted than Bryn, take it Bryn was a golden retriever, so it was not that difficult. However, she has never been this quiet. Especially when clothing was involved. She continued to stare at her feet.

"Kyla!" I say a little louder, while placing a hand on her shoulder.

She snaps out of it and quickly shoots her eyes up. Her big brown eyes land on mine and I can see tears building up. I instantly sit down next to her and pull her into a hug. Upon our interaction, Bryn comes running back into the room, and sits herself right infront of us, her ass on my coffee table.

"What's going on Kyles?"

"Umm... I-I." I can hear the hesitation and fear in her voice, and I let go of Kyla's body and bring my hands to the sides of her face, whipping tears from her cheeks.

"Kyles? We're both here for you. You know that right?"

"Yeah Kyles. You have known me since freshman year! You can tell me... us, anything" Bryn includes, hoping to make Kyla feel a bit more comfortable.

Kyla sits up straight rubbing her cheeks and taking a deep breath. "I, ah... I met someone"

At this, Bryn shoots up, jumping to her feet. "WHAT! OMG Yay! Wait, why are you crying! Omg who is he? It's not Cameron, is it? Trust me he is not worth it, he is a piece of..."

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