Chapter 12: Uncorked

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As soon as I walk in my front door, I am greeted by two worried faces. Bryn and Kyla are both sitting on my couch glaring at me like I had come back from the dead. Up until this point I was in a daze after my day. Everything just feels so surreal. Like I literally just spent the entire day with 4 guys in the NHL and I didn't even flinch. Past Brooks would have been screaming, but I think that I have fallen into this lifestyle with ease.

I had given them my spare key in case of emergencies, and apparently whatever happened today, was considered an emergency as they had let themselves into my house.

"Where the fuck have you been!" Bryn yells while stomping towards me.


I knew that they had asked me a pretty easy question, but my initial shock of seeing them in my apartment was still fogging my brain. Before I could answer Bryn wraps me in a hug and continues. "We have been worried sick! You have been gone for hours, you're not answering your phone, texts have gone unanswered. You better have a good excuse young lady because..." I quickly cut her off before she started ranting.

"I've been with Brayden"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, Bryn's eyes grow wide and her worried expression is quickly changed, reflecting her new state of excitement. I offer her a smile, before she quickly tugs my arm and drags me to the couch, sitting between her and Kyla.

"Okay... Go". Bryn stares in my eyes concentrating as if I was about to tell her the secret of life. I don't need any further instruction before I turn, facing forward and shrug my shoulders.

"Oh it was nothing really. I just went over to watch a movie, then I watched him play some video games and went home." I say with a sly smile, telling them that there is much more to this story then I am letting on.

This time, Kyla speaks up. "Oh we know you did not just spend the past 8 hours watching a movie, and playing video games!"

"Okay... I might have accidentally taken a nap... in his bed... with him... as my pillow" I say, dragging on each important part of my statement. Both girls let out a loud squeal next to me, while Bryn grabs my hands and starts bouncing up and down like a little girl. "There might have also been a sweet kiss on my cheek, and some cuddling on the couch." I continue providing the girls with more ammunition.

"Omg, Omg!! I am literally living through you from now on! My life can never beat this!" Bryn's face has completely lightened up at my news, and I can see that the gears in her head are still turning. "Sooo.... How big is it?" she asks with a mischievous grin on her face and wiggling her eyebrows.

"BRYN!" I yell.

Kyla chimes in ignoring my obvious objection. "He's in the NHL, I think the only answer is massi..."

"KYLA" I cut her off before she could finish that sentence.

Both girls continue their discussion as if I was not even here. "Do you think she would share? I could really use a good ..."

"BRYN!!" I cut her off again.

"Oh, maybe Brayden has friends! He moved into the Rookie House didn't he? Who does he live with" I am definitely unneeded for this conversation, considering none of these comments are directed at me, even though they should be.

"Ouuu, I wonder if he lives with that new goalie? What's his name? He's the smokin hot one, with the likable abs"

"Okay enough!" I finally got their attention. Bryn and Kyla both stare at me as if I just killed a puppy. I ignore the disgusted looks and choose to shine some light on the topic.

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