Chapter 20: Seeing Red

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I don't think I have ever been so mad it my life, and I handled it like a fucking asshole. I didn't mean to scare her. That was the last thing that I wanted to do. But seeing that look in her eyes... I knew I fucked up! Fuck Brayden... I don't even know if I had any right to be mad. Like fuck, Brooks and I arn't dating and I literally met her just over a month ago. So why the fuck was I so pissed! I know why. It's because I care about her a fucking lot and despite the fact that we flirt and tease, I actually do care about her more then I thought I did. I would do anything for this girl, and despite the fact that I like the idea of being a ladies man in the NHL, I can't help but realize that I haven't even thought about another girl since meeting my Rookie.

Rudy was acting weird during the whole game, so when he pulled me aside in the locker room I knew that something was going on. When he started talking he made no sense at all, but I heard what I needed to... Elli... bruises... hurt. Before he even finished talking I was storming out of the locker room with only one thing in mind. Find Brooks. The second I found her, and saw her face, I knew that it was all true. I didn't really need to see her bruises to know, but I couldn't calm myself down, and I had to know all of it. I had to see for myself, but now I wish that I hadn't.

Her torso.... Not even in my years of hockey had I ever seen a bruise so bad. I needed to know what happened. Who did that to her? What did that to her, because it sure as hell wasn't made with a hand. When I saw her purple ribs and stomach, my heart nearly collapsed in my chest, but it was nothing compared to her neck. When I saw that handprint around her throat, I felt like I was going to throw up. Someone had laid hands on my girl, and I could not let them get away with that. At that moment, I should have held her, I should have picked her up and god damn held her against my chest, but I was no longer in control of my actions. Instead, this thing called rage took its dominance, and I lost all control. I couldn't even imagine what humans would do to someone, let alone to Brooks. She was the sweetest and most genuine person that I knew. I quickly decided that this was no human at all.

After so selfishly abandoning Brooks at the arena, I also abandoned my roommates, and went for a drive to try and clear my head. I didn't even know where to go, so I just drove. I drove for what felt like hours, until my gas tank was getting dangerously low, before I decided to head back to the house and feel the wrath of my teammates.

To my surprise, when I got home, the house appeared empty. I knew they were home because I could see the lights on upstairs, but there were no noises. I guess I was getting away scot free today.

Instead of going to my bedroom, I decided to climb up to the roof where me and Mason sat on our first day in the house. The air was getting colder now that we were in mid October but the view was just as beautiful. I could see all the lights from the city, and the soothing wind was able to help clear my head. Sitting up here I realized how bad I truly fucked up and all I wanted to do was call Brooks and explain myself, and beg for her to forgive me, but I knew tonight would not be the time. Considering it was nearly 2am, I was not about to interrupt her sleep.

While contemplating the entire day, somebody swung their legs over the ledge next to me. I didn't have to look to know that it was Mason. He is the only other idiot to climb onto a roof in the middle of the night. That and the fact that Mason had always been there for me.

"You okay Riva?"

I didn't even have to think about the answer. "No."

We fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before I worked up the courage to keep going.  

"You should have seen her man. She has...". I couldn't even get the words out. I can't even begin to explain how defeated she looked, how much pain she was in, how scared she must be.

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