Chapter 21: Maple Leafs

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** TW mentions of panic attack and violence**

I thought that coming back here would be easy considering it's the city I have spent my whole life in, but standing in Scotiabank arena in downtown Toronto was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. I knew that coming back here less than a week after the attack would be difficult, but nothing like this. My chest feels tight and I am anxiously trying to push all memories of my fucked up family aside.

You can do this Brooks.

I take a deep breath as I make my way onto the bench to capture warm up.

We arrived in Toronto early this morning and the entire flight I was a nervous wreck. Brayden helped the best that he could, but considering we sat on opposite sides of the plane, I was alone for a 2 hour flight anxiously shaking my head as I tried to ignore the memories surrounding our destination. After announcing that I was his and spending the entire night holding me, he was reluctant to let me take my seat at the front of the plane, but I wasn't exactly allowed to sit amongst the players, nor did I want to.

The second we landed, Brayden was right by my side holding my hand tightly as we walked through the airport and to the bus. Not only was Brayden glued to my side, but also the entire roster of rookies. Yup, while Brayden walked next to me, our hands intertwined, Rudy looped his arm through mine, and Mason and Tommy followed in front and behind me as if they were my bodyguards. A little over dramatic if you ask me, but I appreciated these boys. Much like the rapid acceleration of my friendship with Bryn and Kyla, I was quickly becoming the unofficial member of the rookie house. At least that is what Rudy always said. He declared that between me being their personal photographer - and who am I kidding, I pretty much was considering I naturally gravitates towards Brayden and his group of friends for all of training camp, and the fact that Brayden apparently doesn't shut up about me, I might as well accept the fact that I was one of them. I didn't mind really, considering I had a good relationship with each one of them. Training camp really helped with that as I was able to get closer with them and they took an extra liking to me... although I have a feeling that might have to do with Brayden infatuation with me.

See, over the past few weeks, Rudy has been my best 'guy' friend. Between him not so subtly hitting on me, and his harmless pick up lines, Mickey has been a strong light in my life, never failing to make me laugh. Tommy on the other hand wasn't as easy to get close with, but even though we have little interaction, I see him as an older brother. This mostly stems from his overprotectiveness, considering that whenever another prospect said any derogatory comment toward me... he would do everything short of breaking their noses. I also knew this for his current bodyguard nature. I appreciated him for that. I'd always wanted a brother. Mason on the other hand was easy to get to considering he's Brayden's best friend. So really, if Brayden cared about someone, so did Mason.

So now, being back in Toronto, I don't think I had ever felt safer than being surrounded by these 4 men. That is until they were all needed in the change room to get ready for the game and I was left alone in the arena.

As I stepped onto the bench I took a deep breath and shook out my hands to try and calm my nerves. It's just a hockey game, what is the worst that could happen?

Well I fucking spoke to soon. 

As the guys skated onto the ice, I started clicking away. Each and every one of them solely focused on the ice the game infront of them. Coach McMillan stood beside me on the bench, examining his lines, and the arena lit up with amusement. I was actually getting excited, until I turned around and saw him.

He was just sitting on the other side of the glass beside the bench as if these were his regular seats. As if every home game he would make his way down here and be entertained by the sport. Only I knew him, and I knew that he hated hockey almost as much as he hated me.

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