Chapter 22: Complete Surrender

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It was all just a nightmare right. Leonard showing up at the game, my panic attack, Brayden kissing me only to make me breath, then Leonard confronting me outside. It had to have all been a nightmare. Why would he even be at the game? He doesn't like hockey and has never once attended a game before so it had to have been my vivid imagination dreaming up some horrifying version of tonight's game. Right?

Every concept of a nightmare vanishes the second Brayden shakes me awake from the back of the bus, and tonight's events come rushing back in as full, realistic events that actually happened.

Why couldn't this just all be one big nightmare!

"Hey sleeping beauty. Time to wake up, we're at the hotel '' Brayden whispers from next to me. The bus is completely quiet as most of the guys are shoved awake from their neighbors, and the rest all have headphones in for the long ride. My hand is still in Brayden's and I welcome the warmth. Actually I welcome the warmth of his entire body as I take in that my head is planted on his shoulder and my whole body is pressed up against him as if he was oxygen himself and I was on my last breath. So like the stubborn woman I am, I quickly close my eyes again and dib my face further into Brayden's neck acting as if he never woke me up.

Brayden's chest shakes with laughter, and his hand that isn't clinging to mine brushes the loose strands of hair from in front of my face.

"Come on baby. Let's get you inside and in an actual bed okay" he whispers.

I decided that my rues isn't fooling him. "That's okay. You're comfy". I remark, refusing to remove my face from his neck.

He chuckles once more, but doesn't say anything and simply lets me continue using him as a pillow as he runs his fingers through my hair. Eventually I can hear the rustling of men grabbing their bags, and feet scuffing along the floor and I sigh at the idea that I do know I have to get up and make my way into the hotel and to my room. Alone.

As much as I want to cuddle up next to Brayden all night, there is a strict rule on players and staff sharing rooms. AKA, players and staff under no circumstances can share rooms. So tonight, I will be alone in my own hotel room. Great.

After the reality and shitshow called tonight's events that is probably the last thing I wanted to do. In the past 12 hours I have felt every single emotion. Anxiety on the flight down this morning, panic when I saw Leonard, fear when I couldn't breath, utter despair when I sat alone in the media room, unable to do my job, relief when it was all over, anger when it wasn't and now... now all I feel is numb. I don't want to feel anything else and I am done being sad or scared. I just want to go to sleep and act like none of this ever happened.

I like to think of myself as a strong person, but tonight I was anything but, and I think the reason I was so hurt by everything was because Brayden had to see me like this. He has to come and save me like a damsel in distress and I couldn't even utter a word to stand up for myself and put Leonard in his place, because I was truly petrified. I'm embarrassed of myself.

Despite my embarrassment, Brayden's hand stays in mine while we make our way into the hotel. His thumb gently rubbing circles along the inside of my palm soothing me. As each member of the team collects their room keys and room assignments, Addison comes up to me with a delicate smile and offers me my own room key. She doesn't say anything at all, but I can tell she feels sorry for me. There is sorrow in her eyes and I am very thankful that she chooses to hand me my key and walk away without a word.

However, while Addison is able to leave me be, Brayden on the other hand has other ideas as the second the key is places in my hand he yanks it out and passes it over to Mason who is standing directly beside him,

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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