II - party

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Kat felt all eyes on her as she walked the halls of her new school. It was clear they didn't get any new kids around here very often from the less than discreet stares and whispers.

Just as she suspected, everyone was wearing dated outfits and hair; it practically looked like it was still the 70's. She waited in the front office for her schedule hoping she wouldn't be put in classes with any losers.

"Need me to give you a tour round the place?"

She turned her head to find an eager looking Billy leaning against the counter. He was dressed in all denim and a tight white shirt complete with perfectly tousled hair.

"I'm sure I can manage myself" She replied.

"I get that you're very....independent" He smirked "But there's nothing wrong with a little help sometimes"

From the look on his face she knew exactly what his little double entendre meant. If she was going to have to live next to this pretentious douche for the next year then it was going to be a long year indeed.

"Take a hint blondie, i'm not interested" She retorted.

The receptionist lazily handed her a schedule and she looked down at the paper trying to not look too confused at the words written down.

"Look at that, we have chemistry together" He smirked.

She was taken aback by his statement until she noticed him also surveying the piece of paper and realised he meant the class itself. Before he had the chance to offer once again to show her around, a dark haired girl stood in front of him.

"You must be Kat" She beamed "I'm Nancy"

"Nice to meet you" Kat replied unsure as to why she already knew who she was.

"They sent me to show you around the place, make sure you get to all your classes" She explained.

This wasn't a thing in New York, you just had to work everything out for yourself. This was like something out a movie, they actually had a welcoming committee. How quaint, she thought.

"I can take over Wheeler" Billy smiled "We have the same first period"

Nancy looked at the boy with an unimpressed look, trust Billy Hargrove to immediately sink his claws in the new girl.

"Not necessary" She replied while guiding Kat in the other direction.

Kat wasn't sure what to think of Nancy quite yet, she seemed quite reserved from her clothing and appearance and Kat didn't need a priss ruining her fun.

"I'd avoid him if I were you" Nancy noted.

"Trying to" She replied raising her eyebrows.

Nancy showed her around the school which didn't take long, it was nowhere near as big as her last school but seemed pleasant enough. She could see there was clear groups that everyone seemed to fit in; jocks sat with cheerleaders, nerds sat in the corner, stoners sat outside etc. Her group back home was way more mixed, more interesting.

Kat stuck by Nancy for most of the day deciding it was better to at least spend time with her than be all alone. She didn't seem too bad, a bit shy but other than that she was nice. She introduced Kat to her friends and boyfriend; Steve Harrington. She could tell Steve was the popular one in the school from the way he carried himself and how others moved out the way for him, he reminded her of herself back home. Maybe if she stuck by him long enough, she would once again regain the popularity she was used to.

The rest of the week went in as boring as her Monday started, it could be worse but it could definitely be better. She missed her friends, at least school wasn't so bad when she could spend time with them. Nancy and her friends were pleasant albeit a bit of a bore and Kat was used to way more exciting, fast paced conversations.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now