XXIII - rekindle

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One. Two. Three.

Nothing, again.

Kat let out a frustrated groan as she desperately tried to get her lighter to cooperate with her. She was hiding out at the trees by the football field trying to not get caught by any teachers, even thought it was lunch she still tried to be careful because the last thing she needed was another detention.

"Need a light?"

She whipped her head around surprised to find the voice coming from Eddie who was sparking up something stronger.

"I'd rather have some of what you're having if i'm honest" She replied.

She knew it was probably bold of her to ask considering he wasn't her biggest fan right now but she needed something to chill her out after the stressful day she'd had so far. She was behind on all of her studies and the teachers in Hawkins were nowhere near as lenient as her last school.

"Suppose I can do that" Eddie replied passing the blunt over to her.

She put away her unlit cigarette and inhaled what Eddie had handed her instead, her eyelids fluttering closed at the familiar taste and feeling. Eddie was her only source of green in the town so she'd been running on empty for the past few weeks.

"Thanks" She said handing it back to him.

They sat on the grass and silently passed it between one another until it was just a small stub left which he flicked out and crushed with his boot. She had never gotten high during school and she knew it wouldn't help her being behind but her last two classes were the easiest of the day so she figured it wouldn't matter all that much.

"Remember when we got so high we forgot about the popcorn we were cooking?" Kat asked, a small giggle falling from her lips.

Eddie bit his lip and let his hair fall in front of his face to mask his amusement at the memory. It wasn't until their second blunt that they noticed the smell of burning mixed with a rumble in their stomachs, realisation hitting them simultaneously.

"Wayne's still pissed we ruined his best pan" Eddie replied.

"At least we never burnt the trailer down" Kat replied.

Eddie nodded as they continued to look out onto the football field where a handful of students where practicing their throws. The high began to take over Kat's body, the warmth spreading all over as her mind became light and hazy.

"I miss being friends" Kat said quietly, her thoughts spilling loose.

Eddie didn't reply, he missed it too but he was still upset. The mental image of her in the cupboard with Billy had spun round his head more times than he'd liked; her hair messy and lipstick smudged, his cocky smirk flashing at him like one giant 'fuck you'

"I really liked you, you know" Eddie replied with a breathy sigh.

She felt guilty, she never intended to lead him along and drop him to the ground. She thought it could eventually work but with Billy Hargrove around she realised that wasn't going to happen.

"I'm really sorry Eddie" Kat said as he turned to face her for the first time.

"I know" He replied.

He could tell her actions weren't malicious after he had time to cool off but he wasn't going to welcome her with open arms either. Even if his feelings had slightly dissipated, there was still that natural attraction there whenever she would smile up at him or flick her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm having a party this weekend" Kat stated "You should come"

She pulled herself off the ground and stood up, trying her best to acclimatise to her high before she had to go to her classes.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now