XI - exclusive

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It was two hours later when she felt those familiar arms snake round her waist, ones she would normally welcome and melt into but this time she felt like they were dripping in poison as she batted them away.

"I've been looking for you" He said ignoring her pushing him off.

"Oh yeah, looking real hard" She scoffed.

He grabbed a beer from beside her, the cooler almost empty by this time with melted ice pooling inside it.

"Someone's grumpy" He snorts.

She merely rolls her eyes and tips back her cup finishing another cup, now having completely lost track of how many drinks she had consumed but the blurred eyesight and room spinning were a clear indication that it had been a lot, perhaps too much.

"How about I change that?" He whispers as his hand ghosts over her dress, his eyes drinking in how it accentuated every curve of her body.

Besides the fact that she was too drunk to even stand up properly without resting her weight on the counter beside her, she didn't want him touching her just hours after she had seen him disappear off with Tina.

"Wow twice in one night, you must have some stamina" She retorted.

Billy didn't understand why she seemed so angry, her eyes couldn't fully concentrate on him when she uttered the words confirming to him that she was drunk as a skunk.

"What are you talking about?" He replied, eyebrows knitted together.

"Tina" She stated simply.

He ran his tongue along his teeth realising where her hostility had stemmed from. He knew this was where things could begin getting complicated, up until tonight they hadn't discussed him still being with other women. He figured she knew but was turning a blind eye but with the alcohol in her system, that wasn't going to be the case tonight.

"Nothing happened" He dismissed.

She gave him a doubtful look, did he really expect her to believe that? He was the Casanova of Hawkins, trying to get as many girls on his roster as possible.

"Be serious" She replied.

He wasn't in the mood for an argument, this didn't warrant one; at least not to him. They weren't dating, they weren't going steady, hell they weren't even exclusive so as far as Billy was concerned, he was completely in the clear.

"We made out a little but that's it, she has a thing for Jason, whatever" He shrugged wanting to move on already.

Kat felt an intense wave of jealousy wash over her just at the thought of Billy's mouth being all over another girl, how his hands probably got tangled in her hair like they did with her own. She wanted nothing more than to experience it for herself but now the idea of it was tainted, at least for tonight.

"Whatever, i'm gonna go dance" She dismissed wanting a distraction that wasn't Billy for a change.

"Cmon, it's not a big deal" Billy groaned.

He was beginning to see that his little excursion with Tina was proving more of a hindrance than an advantage. He knew Tina was head over heels for Jason but when the opportunity arose for him to get a little action from her to make Jason jealous and add her name to his growing list of Hawkins girls, he wasn't going to decline. He wasn't sure why he fixated on this ever-growing list of women, maybe it was a way of making himself feel better and more desirable after how unwanted he felt from his dad's attitude and his mother walking out; it gave him a focus, a task to keep busy and a means to prove himself.

"It is a big deal" She protested, her voice coming out whinier than she would have liked.

"Why?" He pressed.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now