XXIV - spiked punch

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"You guys are supposed to be helping"

Kat yanked the bowl of chips away from Steve's grip and back onto the kitchen island. She had recruited Steve's help alongside Dustin to help get the house ready for the party.

"You're not even letting me stay, why should I help?" Dustin whined.

"I'm letting you and your friends have a sleepover in the basement, I think that's a pretty sweet deal" Kat replied.

"It would be sweeter if we could join the actual party" Dustin replied with his arms crossed.

"No offence dude but a high school party is no place for kids" Steve added.

He grabbed the bowl of chips again and started munching his way through them, he had skipped out on dinner to come help Kat get set up so he was taking them as a form of payment despite the looks she was throwing at him.

"I'm gonna be at high school in like 9 months" Dustin whined in a high pitched tone.

"If you cooperate with me then i'll maybe let you guys have some spiked punch" Kat bargained.

Dustin went silent as he pondered the proposal, he'd rather be at the actual party and hang out with cooler, older kids especially Eddie and the rest of Hellfire but he could settle for the basement and some punch, he knew it would impress the others if he managed to score some drink. After all, the coolest thing they got at Mike's house was some of Mrs Wheelers home baking so this would definitely outdo that.

"Fine, deal" Dustin replied sticking his arm out.

"And I mean like one cup each so you better savour it" Kat replied firmly as she shook his hand.

An hour later and the place was finally ready, she had cleaned practically every room and hidden away any of her parents valuables incase anything happened to them. The kitchen and fridge was stocked with all the alcohol and soda they needed and people slowly started to filter in. Kat poured some punch into cups and splashed a drip of vodka down each straw before taking them down to Dustin and his friends. She wasn't going to give them any proper alcohol but the smell and taste of the first sip would make it feel like they were actually drinking more than just kool aid.

"Smart" Steve nodded as she returned.

"That should keep them quiet for the night" She smirked.

She let her stress slip away as she threw back countless drinks and swayed to the music playing from her speakers. It was a good turnout but that didn't surprise her considering Steve had invited pretty much the whole upperclassmen of school.

She tipped back a shot of tequila before her eyes landed on that familiar mop of black hair entering the house. She excitedly ran over to him and embraced him in a hug which he reciprocated with a light laugh before pulling her away and observing how drunk she was already.

"You're drunk" He stated.

"You came" She beamed.

Eddie had brought along a few of his other friends and Kat greeted them trying to desperately remember their names.

"Want a drink?" Kat asked Eddie.

He nodded his head and she led him to the kitchen and handed him a cold beer from the fridge. The room was littered with girls and boys making out all over her counters as well as groups of guys attempting to play beer pong but failing miserably.

"This is gonna be fun to clean up tomorrow" Eddie commented as he scanned the room.

"That's a problem for later" She dismissed while pouring herself another drink.

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