VII - trouble

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Kat got lost in Billy's mouth, she trailed her fingers through his hair and gave a gentle tug trying to get him to deepen the kiss. For once, he was caught off guard. He was used to being the initiator in these sort of situations, not the one being led.

Despite this particular scenario being a scene he'd fantasised about in his head while laying in his bed looking over at Kat's window, he gently pushed her off to look at her properly.

"Since when do you turn away girls, Hargrove?" She scoffed with a curt laugh.

If there was anyone she could count on tonight, she figured it would be him. God knows he had spent her entirety of being in this town trying to get in her pants and she figured tonight would be no exception.

"Since the girl in question has mascara running down her face" He explained.

She instinctively rubbed her cheeks hoping to wipe away the evidence of her unfortunate evening, feeling slightly embarrassed to have been seen looking like such a mess.

"Figured that wouldn't bother you" She shrugged trying to play it off.

"I might be a lot of things but i'm not a sadist" He quipped "I'd rather not fuck a girl who looks like she's gonna burst into tears"

She didn't like looking weak, especially in front of someone like Billy Hargrove. He had no idea what she had been through tonight and she was giving him the offer of a lifetime that was quickly expiring.

"Surprised you know what that word means" She muttered, rolling her eyes.

He flicked his tongue along the top row of his teeth trying to hold back a sarcastic response. No matter how physically attractive Kat was, it didn't detract away from the fact her personality was as fiery as her signature red lipstick.

"I don't know what your little boyfriend did to piss you off but don't take it out on me, alright?" He retorted brushing a hand through his now messy hair.

Kat let out a sigh of frustration, he was right. She was taking out her anger on Billy even though he didn't warrant it but she didn't know how to forget all the pain in her heart without lashing out.

"I'm sorry" She whispered.

She made her way over to the vacant bed and sat down staring at the vinyl collection to the side to try and distract her thoughts. Billy eyed her unsure whether to sit down and talk with her or ditch the situation entirely, he wasn't eager to be caught in the crossfire of her misdirected anger again, he knew all too well what that was like at home.

Something was bothering her, that much was evident to him and it was pretty obvious who was the culprit was. She looked sad, broken almost as she sat on the edge of the bed with her nails gripping the sheets.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"Honestly i'd rather just focus on something else" She sighed.

Despite her suspicions over the past few weeks, it didn't hurt any less. This was her best friend, she'd spent most of her life confiding in her and basically living at her house when her parents wouldn't let her back home in the early hours of the morning. Now she had just betrayed her without a second thought in the world.

Billy pulled a rolled joint out of his jean pocket and started to spark it up, inhaling a few draws before handing it out for Kat to take.

"In here?!" She asked in a surprised tone.

Steve had a nice house and presumably nice parents who would not care to find out that people had been smoking dope in their home.

"There's a bong in the kitchen and coke doing the rounds in the bathroom, I think we're fine" He laughed.

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now