IV- project

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"Billy Hargrove and Kat Henderson"

A breathy scoff escaped Kat's lips as a wide grin erupted on Billy's face as he turned in his chair to face her from across the classroom.

She had been doing her best to avoid him the past few weeks, the occasional exchange of words in the hall and quick comments when she snuck out her window.

He was dangerous in the way that he exuded this confident energy and effortless charm that had all the girls in school wrapped round his finger. It was no wonder his bedroom was a revolving door of girls eager to have one night with him to brag to all their friends.

Everyone made their way over to their partner for the next month, a mixture of happiness and disappointment at their assigned person. Billy strutted his way over to Kat and tossed his books and pen down on the desk without a care for their condition.

"So... your house or mine?" He asked.

"Definitely mine" She replied.

"No hesitation huh?" He smirked "Dying to get me in your bedroom, princess?"

She couldn't get over how full of himself he was, she was sure he didn't even know what humble was if it hit him in his pretty face.

"More like trying to stay out of yours" She corrected "God knows what diseases and germs are crawling around in there"

He let out a sarcastic laugh knowing she had noticed his continual...visits. He knew it was a matter of time before she would join the roster of girls he had successfully had his way with one way or another.

"I'll come over after dinner" He stated as the bell  rang for the next class.

"Best behaviour, Hargrove!" She warned as he sauntered away hiding his excitement.

The rest of her day went in uneventfully; Nancy and steve practically sucked face all of lunch putting Kat off her meal completely, not that she would've ate much of it anyway. The lunches at the school were leaving a lot to be desired but there was no way she was going to ask her mom to pack a lunch for her.

She went home and ate her dinner in a rush so she could have time to talk to Jacob on the phone before Billy arrived. He had been a little distant which she had pinned down to her not being able to make his show but the alternative of turning with another guy would have annoyed him more.

"Hey babe" She smiled down the receiver.

He replied with a muffled 'hey' clearly distracted by something outside of the phone call. She tried not to sound annoyed as she pulled conversation out of him, most of her questions received her one or two word answers indicating he was obviously not very invested in the conversation.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Nothing" He replied.

"You're being off with me, what's wrong?" She prodded.

There was a pause on the other line, making her concerned he was going to utter the words she had been panicked about. Surely if he was going to break up with her then he would do it in person, not over the phone.

"It's just this" He sighed "Talking on the phone is lame, I want a girlfriend I can see in person"

She knew exactly what he meant by that; he wanted a girlfriend he could sleep with whenever he was in the mood. His lack of action was obviously fuelling his sour mood, what did he expect her to do? Hitchhike her way to New York?

"Yeah well i'm not thrilled about it either but you could at least put some effort in" She replied, her anger taking over. 

"Effort? Babe i'm working all the time, you know that" He scoffed "You didn't even come to my show"

Suburban Blues // Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now