#2 Talk dirty to me

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My body collapses onto his and Joshua holds me close to him, stroking my hair as I slowly come down from the intense high he gave me. After a while he rolls me to my side so he can pull out of me and a gush of his cum stains his sheets. Luckily, he doesn't seem to care. His arms pull me in closer and he buries his face in my hair, inhaling deeply like he's trying to memorize my scent.

"I'm sorry," he murmurs in my ear. "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" I ask, a little out of breath.

"For calling you all those horrible names," he says, sounding genuinely distraught. "I got carried away. I don't think you're any of those things. I'm so sorry."

Without being able to help myself, I start giggling. It's a very girly sound and a little on the hysteric side. Poor guy. I basically told him to call me a slut and now he's apologizing to me. How sweet.

"It's fine," I assure him when I'm able to talk again. "I like it when you call me a slut."

"You do?" He pulls back a little so he can look me in the eye. "You... like it?"

Nodding, I prop myself up on one elbow and gaze into his blue eyes. "Yeah, why else would I push you to talk dirty to me, Joshua? And you liked it too, didn't you? To take advantage of an easy lay like me? To just have your way with me and call me a tramp, a slut, a whore even?"

I can see the lust kindling in his eyes again, even though he's obviously a bit taken aback by everything I'm saying. He nods slowly, stroking my side, making me giggle again because it's one of the places I'm ticklish.

"Alright, time to go home," I decide when it becomes evident that he is going to fall asleep in ten minutes tops. "Bye, Joshua."

He watches me with a shocked expression on his face as I wipe myself clean on a shirt of his that's lying on the floor and shimmy back into my dress. I step back into my panties, which immediately become wet because there is still a bit of cum leaking out of me. I know that a lot of girls would find that disgusting, but I've always liked the feeling of being marked like that, the idea of a part of the guy that fucked me still being inside of me and letting me know that he's still there by staining my underwear.

"You can stay the night if you want," he calls after me when I'm just about to shut the door behind me. "Shaughna! Your phone!"

I run back in and take my phone from him in relief. It would have sucked to lose it here. Quickly, I kiss Joshua one last time. I meant for it to be a quick peck, but he slips in his tongue and before I know it, we're making out like this is the start of the night instead of the end.

"Oh fuck it," I mumble against his lips. "Round three?"

He moans into me, hiking up my dress so he can tear off my panties. The useless shreds fall onto the floor next to us, but I don't have time to think about my ruined undergarment because he's slipping two fingers inside of me, curling them in the perfect angle.

"Hmm..." I whimper, lowering my body back on the bed so I can get a bit more comfortable while he keeps fingering me.

"You're insatiable," Joshua says in a gleeful tone, finger fucking me so roughly that it almost hurts. He rubs his thumb over my clit in quick circles, making me even wetter than I already was. "Come for me, you beautiful whore," he grunts into my ear. "You magnificent slut. Come on my fingers."

My body immediately complies, the way it always does. I've never been hard to please, as long as there's dirty talk involved. I don't know what it is, but there's something about a man making me feel like I'm just a cheap girl he can just use the way he pleases that always gets me going. Breathing hard, I slowly come down from my fourth orgasm this night, enjoying the way Joshua keeps up a slow pace down there, prolonging my pleasure for as long as he can.

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