#1 Dirty little slut

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His name is Tim. Or Tom. Or maybe Thomas?

All thoughts fly from my mind when he pushes into me, his lips crushing against mine for a scorching kiss. I may not remember his name, but what I do know is that he's hot. His dick isn't as big as I'd prefer, but size doesn't really matter in the end. It's about what you do with it. And boy, this guy really knows what he's doing.

With a moan, I reach my peak. He may not be big, but he's hitting all the right spots. The moment he realizes that I already had an orgasm, he follows suit. Panting, he collapses on top of me. It takes him a moment to come back to this earth and roll off of me.

"Damn," he breathes, looking at me with hooded eyes. "That was great."

"How long do you think you need to be ready to go again?" I ask, already wanting more. I don't know what it is, but I've always been this way. When a guy is good, I won't settle for just once. And what's-his-name is good enough for me to want to stay for a little while before going back home.

"Again?" he repeats, his eyes lighting up. "Give me... ten minutes, maybe?"

I snuggle up to him, my head on his chest as he pulls me close. I don't always want to cuddle after, but I like this guy. He's broad and his hair is so soft under my fingers that I don't mind laying here with him for a few minutes. I wish I knew his name, though...

Inspiration hits and I roll away from him to pick up my phone from where it ended up on the floor in the midst of our discarded clothes. I unlock it before I hand it to him and tell him to put in his number. When he gives it back, I glance at the screen. Joshua. Oh. So not Tom or Tim after all. Good thing I'm not in the habit of moaning out someone's name. I learned that the hard way when I slipped up and the guy throw me out in an angry fit. A text lights up just when I'm about to put my phone down. It's my best friend Caroline, letting me know that she left the club with Dshawn. I'm not surprised that she is with him. It was obvious that she would end up at his place the minute they laid eyes on each other. They used to date years ago, so I'm sure they will have fun tonight. Rekindling things with an old flame is always exciting. And she needs the sex even more than I do. And that's saying something, because I always need sex.

I let Caroline know that I'm in bed with Joshua and tell her to have fun with Dshawn. I always liked him, way more than some of her other boyfriends. Danny was especially horrific.

"Are you going to stare at your phone all night?" Joshua asks, rolling onto his side to swing an arm over me and pull me into him.

"I don't know," I reply teasingly. "Is there anything better to do?"

He wiggles his eyebrows and takes my phone away from me. "You could do me." Before I can stop him, he glances at my phone and sees the text I just sent. "Oh, I'm cute, huh?" he laughs. "And good in bed?"

"Hmm, maybe." I roll away from him and stretch out on his bed. "I'm tired now. Good night."

Grinning, Joshua pushes himself into my back, his dick twitching impatiently against my ass. "I don't think so, Shaughna. Open those legs for me, baby."

He doesn't have to tell me twice. I stay on my side and open up for him, letting him pull one leg over his so he can slide back into me with ease. He feels even better than he did the first time, but that might be because-

"Fucking hell!" I exclaim, rolling away from him so fast that I fall off the bed. "You're not wearing a condom!"

"Oh fuck, I forgot." He doesn't seem too bothered. "Good thing you're still using your brain. Why do you look so freaked out? It's not like I already came!"

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