#4 Party at Dshawn's

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When I get home after a double shift at Giovanni's, I've only got about ten minutes to get ready before Aston is picking me up to go to Dshawn's party. Normally I take an hour to get ready, so I will definitely not end up looking my best tonight. I jump in the shower to rinse off, but keep my hair dry. Once I smell okay again, I pull on a short black dress and pull a brush through my hair. There's not much time left for make-up, so I just slap on some lipstick and concealer.

I don't look like a sex goddess tonight, but I still look pretty fuckable. Besides, I'm not really looking for anyone tonight, since last night with Joshua still has me high today. That guy is better than he thinks he is. We talked some more after the second round and his relationship with his ex sounds fucked-up for sure. Hopefully sleeping with me will get him some of his confidence back. And let's be honest, I enjoy having sex with him, so I'll be going back to his apartment for sure.

My phone rings and it's Aston, telling me to get my ass outside. I roll my eyes at his impatience and throw a coat over my dress, grab my purse, and I'm out the door. When I lock the door behind me, I see that Aston is on his motorcycle tonight. Normally, I would love that, but I'm in a dress tonight, so I curse.

"Hey baby," he calls out, holding out a helmet for me. "Ready?"

"Dude, this outfit it not even remotely appropriate for a motorcycle," I scold him. "I'm gonna flash people my ass if I get on."

Aston grins. "That's what you get for wearing a thong. Come on, little vixen, you know you want to..."

I roll my eyes. We both know where this is going, so I might as well just hop on and put on the helmet. I've never been able to resist Aston when he wants to talk me into something. Well, aside from sex. He came onto me a few times when he got exceptionally horny, but I always told him no, afraid to lose him as a friend. We aren't suited for each other and I'm not willing to give up one of the only true friends I have for a quick fuck. I have other guys for that. No, Aston is staying firmly in the friend zone and when he isn't drunk and horny, he agrees with me on that.

By the time we arrive at Dshawn's place, my dress has ridden up so far that I'm basically half-naked on the back of Aston's bike. At least he drove carefully. Still, the humming of the large beast between our legs got me going, just like it always does. Aston knows perfectly well that motorcycles are a turn-on for me, and he smirks when I get off and pull my skirt back over my ass.

"Stop looking at me like that," I comment, smacking his arm. "You're so bad."

"That's exactly why we're friends," he reminds me as he pulls out his phone and puts it to his ear. "Hey man, we're here. Let us in!"

The door of the apartment building buzzes open and Aston takes my helmet from me before leading me up the stairs up to Dshawn's apartment. I expected loud music to be heard throughout the building, but it's quiet. Aston pulls out a key and opens the door, walking into the hallway and putting down our helmets on the floor.

"I thought you said he was throwing a party?" I ask with a frown. I may not know Dshawn very well, but I do remember the parties he threw in college. They were not quiet, let me tell you that much. In fact, I remember my ears ringing from the loud music for hours after getting home.

Instead of answering, Aston just pushes open the door to the living room. "Honey, I'm home!" he exclaims with a smirk on his face.

"Aston! Hey, man!" Several voices sound through the room, greeting him.

I step in as well, looking around in surprise. The room is filled with people, but they're all staring at the TV intensely instead of dancing and drinking like I expected. The couches and chairs are all full, so a lot of people are just sitting on the floor or leaning against the wall. I recognize a few of them from college and Francesca is there too, sitting on someone's lap.

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