#6 Run away

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When I get home late that night, my lips are swollen from kissing Joshua so much. We ended up watching two chick flicks at the movie theatre, making out so much that we hardly saw anything of the movies, just the way I like it. He cooked me dinner at his place and we had sex after. He's a lot of fun to hang out with, always making me feel comfortable and desirable. He wouldn't have minded me staying the night, but I have the breakfast shift at the restaurant the next morning, so I just want a good night of sleep in my own bed.

Just when I sink down on my couch with a beer, my phone rings. It's Caroline.

"Hey girl," I say happily when I pick up. "You still kicking those second graders' asses?"

"Hey." The minute she speaks, I know that something is wrong. I know her well enough to recognize that tone. She's upset. Heartbroken, even.

"What's wrong?" I demand to know. "Do I need to hop in my car to kick some ass? Did Nathan do something?" She's been dating this 41-year old guy. Or well... not really dating, I guess. In fact, she has a sex-only arrangement with him that is very unlike her. Caroline is not the fuckbuddies type, she's the girlfriend type. For her to agree to a deal like that, the sex must be really fucking amazing. I honestly think she's got a major crush on the guy already, but she insists that she's just having fun with him while it lasts.

"It's over between me and Nathan," she says, confirming my suspicions. "He's... Oh, God, Shaughna, I fucked up. I had a parent-teacher conference tonight and he walked in, looking all sexy and fuckable in his blue suit. Oh God, it was a train wreck."

"Wait, what?" I shift the phone and put her on speaker so I can lean back against the cushions more comfortably. "Why was your lover at a parent-teacher conference? Oh no, Caroline, tell me you're not sleeping with the father of one of your students." When she remains silent, I curse. "Fucking hell, that's messed up. What are you going to do about it? Does anyone know? Did he know?"

"We're not going to do anything," Caroline replies, still sounding so horribly sad. I want to hug her, but she's three hours away from me in another town. "He was acting all weird during the meeting with me, my colleague John and his ex-wife. I had to keep it together for the both of us. And afterwards... He showed up at my place and gave me back my key."

"Gave you back your key?" I can't believe what she's saying. "Car, I know that he's some kind of kinky sex god and that you've been sleeping with him for a while now, but why would that guy have your key?"

"Erm... because I gave it to him."

Of course she did. The girl may be my best friend, but she's stupid as fuck sometimes. She trusts guys so easily.

Exhibit A: her ex Jordan who turned out to be an asshole who blamed her when the condom broke and ghosted her afterwards.

Exhibit B: her ex Danny who cheated on her and ended up getting most of their stuff when they broke up, even though she paid for at least half of his furniture.

Exhibit C: this Nathan guy who managed to not only get her to fuck him without even telling her his last name, but who also got her house key to make screwing her even easier.

"So... now what?" I ask.

"I thought that..." She sighs. "I don't know what I was thinking, but I just kind of hoped that he would want to keep seeing me anyway. He basically told me that I'm just a fling and that we should just end things now that we know that I'm Rose's teacher."

"That man is a dickhead if he's ready to walk out of your life like that," I spit out. How dare he treat my friend like this? "What the fuck. He's ancient and you gave him the best two months of his sorry little life. The best sex of his life, too. And now he's just walking away? What the fuck." I think it's for the best, honestly, but I can tell that Caroline was getting invested in this guy, even if she won't admit it to himself.

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